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Latest eBooks

A light blue strand of DNA made from small circles.

Synthetic Biology

Download this eBook to explore how synthetic biology is being utilized in the development of cell and gene therapies, cancer therapeutics and improved food and agriculture production processes.
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Resources and Tools To Accelerate Oligonucleotide Therapeutics to Market

Oligonucleotide therapeutics are short DNA or RNA molecules that modulate the expression of target RNA for the treatment of diseases. The success of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines has brought renewed interest to other nucleic acid drugs, and the oligo therapeutics market is expected to grow by 25–30% in the next five years with over 1,000 oligonucleotide molecules currently in the pipeline.
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Making the Promise of mRNA a Reality: Overcoming Scale-Up Challenges

Download this eBook to learn more about what’s next for mRNA vaccines,
scaling up in vitro transcription for mRNA production, tools for mRNA analysis
plus the future of mRNA technology.
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Large Insights Into Microorganisms

Traditionally, microorganisms have been studied through culturing individual species or strains using artificial culture media; however, of the ~10 million species so far catalogued, only ~10,000 have been cultured in the laboratory.
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Advancing Cancer Research With Genetic Analysis Tools

Download this eBook to explore how these new technologies have enabled some of the most recent discoveries in areas such as molecular mechanisms of cancer, cancer biomarkers as well as vaccines and therapeutics to tackle cancer.
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Get the Gene-Edited Cell Lines You Need

While CRISPR-edited cell lines can be beneficial for target identification, reagent validation, and biomarker discovery, generating high-quality cell lines can be fraught with difficulties and time-consuming and relies on several factors.
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Considerations for Cell Therapy Development and Manufacturing

Where traditional pharmaceutical drugs have failed, cell-based therapies can offer promise and solutions for the treatment of many diseases, showing potential to revolutionize medicine and human health.
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Spotlight on Magnetic Beads

Magnetic beads are versatile particles well suited to DNA extraction, size selection and clean-up as alternatives to column-based purification, providing flexibility in scale and handling.
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Automated Nucleic Acid Sample QC in NGS Workflows

At various points throughout the NGS workflow, QC steps are recommended to avoid time and resource wasting, and to help prevent suboptimal sequencing data.
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Get Ahead of the Infectious Disease Arms Race

Understanding of infectious diseases has increased exponentially, but the challenge of keeping up with variants, mutations and novel pathogens is still significant. The immune response is far more diverse than assumed—every step involves a range of different responses.