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Image of Katie Brighton

Katie Brighton

Scientific Copywriter

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Katie joined Technology Networks in January 2022 after completing a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a master’s by research degree in molecular and cellular biology, both at the University of Leeds. They loved the breadth of scientific content covered in their undergraduate studies and wanted to share their passion for research through science communication. As a scientific copywriter, Katie assembles newsletters, writes promotional webinar copy, supports the publication’s in-house writers and produces scientific content.

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A scientist holds a green globe in both hands. It is surrounded by icons representing areas of sustaibility.
Industry Insight

Ensuring Performance, Intelligence and Sustainability in MS

At ASMS, Technology Networks spoke with Ken Suzuki and Jennifer Gushue to learn more about how Agilent is addressing customer needs with novel “intelligence” features and the company’s efforts to ensure the sustainability and longevity of its products.
Gut bacteria amongst villi in the gut.

New Insights Into the Link Between Gut Bacteria Makeup and Alzheimer's

A new meta-analysis from the Nevada Institute of Personalized Medicine at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) has revealed that some gut bacteria increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, while others have a protective effect.
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Industry Insight

Advancing Biomedicine With Single-Molecule Proteomics

Unlocking more information from our proteome could deepen our understanding of disease, improve detection and influence drug selection. To find out more about single-molecule proteomics, we spoke to Parag Mallick, co-founder of Nautilus Biotech.
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The Power and Potential of Epigenetic Aging Clocks

In this article, we take a deep dive into the world of epigenetic aging clocks, finding out what they are, what they can tell us and how they might be applied in future.
A rendering of X chromosomes in purple.

“Inactive” X Chromosome Plays Bigger Role in Sex Differences Than Once Thought

Research from the Whitehead Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has thrown new light on the influence of the X chromosome on sex differences.
A plastic brain model.

“Jumping Genes” Trigger Inflammation in Alzheimer’s

Researchers from The University of Texas San Antonio have identified a molecular process that leads to abnormal RNA production in Alzheimer’s disease and a rare brain disorder, progressive supranuclear palsy. The abnormal RNA behaves similarly to inflammatory triggers in viral infections.
A selection of chopping boards, filled with meat, fruits, cheeses and breads.

Food Cues We’re Not Aware of Can Influence Our Eating Behavior

Dieting can be difficult, with many different approaches available for regulating eating behavior. New research has illustrated that it’s not just conscious neural processes that impact our eating behavior, but unconscious processes as well.
Golden, oval-shaped vitamin D capsules against a blue background.

High BMI May Reduce the Benefits of Vitamin D Supplements

Vitamin D metabolism is different in people with a BMI greater than 25, which could diminish the effects of vitamin D supplementation, suggests new research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
A close-up picture of white fur.

The Genetic Story Behind Humans Losing Their Body Hair

New research from the University of Utah Health and the University of Pittsburgh has compared the genomes of 62 mammals, revealing new insights into how humans lost their body hair. The research was published in eLife.
Connecting hexagons each with a symbol relating to health, medicine and data.
Industry Insight

The Impact of Proteomics on Precision Oncology

To find out more about how proteomics is providing new insights into cancer dynamics and resistance mechanisms, we spoke to Dr. Ofer Sharon, CEO of OncoHost, a precision diagnostics company.