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Latest App Notes & Case Studies

Gene Helix
App Note / Case Study

Oligonucleotide Purity Analysis With Side-Product Identification and Quantitation

Oligonucleotides play a crucial role in modern drug development, therefore their accurate characterization is essential. However, given the sheer complexity and diversity of the types of oligonucleotides that are in clinical development, a range of diverse analytical approaches are necessary.
pharmaceutical protein
App Note / Case Study

Accelerate Your Biologics Analysis With Machine Learning

This application note highlights how combined machine learning and FTIR technology can enhance the overall efficiency of your analytical workflow.
Protein Sequencing
App Note / Case Study

Protein Sequence Analysis: Next-Generation vs Mass Spectrometry Methods

Mass spectrometry is regarded as the gold standard for protein identification; however, this technique cannot easily discriminate between protein variants and is not accessible to everyday scientists due to the high cost, space and expertise required.
Data reproducibility for safer gene therapy
App Note / Case Study

Data Reproducibility for the Development of Safer Gene Therapies

Immunogenicity is a key consideration in the development of safe gene therapy products. In fact, certain product components can cause unintended immune responses with life-threatening implications if not addressed.
App Note / Case Study

Accelerate Discovery with SWATH DIA Mass Spectrometry

This application focus presents the exciting technology behind advances in DIA and discusses how it can be used to enhance research.
Antibody Aggregates
App Note / Case Study

Efficient Removal of Aggregates From Monoclonal Antibodies

Monoclonal antibody (mAb)–based therapeutics have been very successful in treating various diseases, including cancer. The manufacturing of these therapeutic antibodies is a complex operation with low levels of aggregates being a critical quality attribute of the final product, as this will impact the biological activity.
sample freezer storage
App Note / Case Study

Advantages of Utilizing Chest Freezers for Sample Storage

When planning for your sample storage needs, there’s no doubt you’ve discovered the many types of freezers on the market—upright, under-counter, side-by-side, and chest, to name a few. So, what advantages do chest freezers have over other types of freezers?
Therapeutic Life
App Note / Case Study

Strategies for Improving Protein Therapeutic Half-Life

In the field of protein therapeutics, a protein-polymer conjugation strategy can improve the protein’s clinical potential by overcoming some of the challenges, such as physiochemical instability, immunogenicity and suboptimal circulation half-life.
Bile acid
App Note / Case Study

Enhance Your Annotation Confidence in LC-TIMS-HRMS-Based Bile Acid Profiling

Bile acids are well known for their roles in cholesterol homeostasis, lipid absorption and as metabolic signaling molecules. They are implicated in a variety of disease states and therefore serve as an exciting focus on research in novel biomarker discovery.
App Note / Case Study

New Standards for Plasma Proteomics

Identifying novel biomarkers with bottom-up proteomics remains a substantial challenge due to the wide concentration ranges and potentially low abundance of important analytes.