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Spatial Transcriptomics: Understanding Gene Regulation in the Tissue Context content piece image

Spatial Transcriptomics: Understanding Gene Regulation in the Tissue Context

Download this listicle to explore spatial transcriptomics applications and key technologies including next-generation sequencing based-methods, In situ sequencing-based methods and In situ hybridization-based methods.
New Advances in Cancer Drug Discovery content piece image

New Advances in Cancer Drug Discovery

Download this listicle to discover new biological insights, explore various drug modalities and uncover novel drug combinations.
Tried and True ‒ German-Engineered Cell Strainers are Bringing Research Further content piece image

Tried and True ‒ German-Engineered Cell Strainers are Bringing Research Further

Publishable results in cell-based research are only as reliable as their preparation. Something as small as the cell strainer used in an experiment can make a difference in the quality and success of results and their credibility for publication.
Applications of Whole Exome Sequencing content piece image

Applications of Whole Exome Sequencing

Download this listicle to discover some key applications of whole exome sequencing such as identifying coding mutations in cancer, screening for mutations associated with disease and investigating alternative splicing events.
Recent Developments in Proteomics Research content piece image

Recent Developments in Proteomics Research

Here, we take a closer look at some recent developments in the world of proteomics research.
Advances in Cell Models: An Expansive Menu of Choices content piece image

Advances in Cell Models: An Expansive Menu of Choices

Download this listicle to learn more about the reasons to utilize advanced cell models, how these models are developed, their available formats and the application of such models.
Cell Signaling in Cancer: Communicating Recent Advances content piece image

Cell Signaling in Cancer: Communicating Recent Advances

Download this listicle to learn how abberant cell signaling can impact proliferation, metabolism, the cell cycle, DNA repair, apoptosis and angiogenesis.
Five Innovations in Cell-Based Therapy content piece image

Five Innovations in Cell-Based Therapy

Download this listicle to learn about recent advances in cell-based therapies including off-the-shelf chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, engineered T-cell receptor therapy and mesenchymal stem cell therapies.
Fundamentals of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Definition, Importance and Methods content piece image

Fundamentals of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Definition, Importance and Methods

Download this listicle to discover answers to key questions such as: can therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) be used for all drugs? Which drugs are currently monitored using TDM approaches? What analytical methods are used for TDM?
Key Developments in Cancer Immunotherapy Over the Last Decade content piece image

Key Developments in Cancer Immunotherapy Over the Last Decade

Download this list to explore current immunotherapeutic strategies, recent regulatory approvals and the future of cancer therapy.