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Latest Articles

Histological images of a fertile and infertile ovary with key features labeled.

Scientists Find a Way To Reverse Infertility

Scientists have found a way to reverse infertility in a sterile mouse model by reducing the concentration of plasma high-density lipoproteins, known to impact fertility, using constitutively expressed bacterial serum opacity factor.
A visual of the human brain and its cell types.

The Quest To Discover the Cell Types of the Brain

In this article, Mike Hawrylycz, an investigator at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, discusses a large, collaborative quest to discover the different cell types of the brain.
An anglerfish

The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Predatory Conferences

Predatory conferences are the ramshackle distant cousin of your regular scientific event, a Fyre Festival of science (without the involvement of Ja Rule). It is getting harder to separate fake conferences from real ones. Given this deluge of dodgy science, we have created a guide to spotting and avoiding predatory conferences.
A small tube containing liquid is lifted from a container of liquid nitrogen using tweezers.

Frozen in Time: Examining the Latest Frontiers in Cryopreservation Technology

This article highlights recent developments in cryopreservation and the challenges that will need to be overcome to unleash the full potential of the technology.
A 3D map and a 3D model of a protein structure generated using cryo EM.

Cryo Electron Microscopy: Principle, Strengths, Limitations and Applications

Cryo electron microscopy (cryo EM) has revolutionized our understanding of the intricate molecular machinery that governs life. In this article, we discuss what cryo EM is, how it works, it's strengths, limitations and applications.
A person wearing a pink jumper holds a pregnancy test.

Are Microplastics Increasing the Need for Assisted Reproduction?

This article explores the ability of chemicals used in plastic production to disrupt the normal function of hormones, namely in reproduction.
Blue cells.

Cellular Insights: How Researchers Are Using Cell Models To Study the Mechanisms of Disease

This article will discuss how cell models are enabling researchers to elucidate the underlying biological mechanisms of disease to support diagnostic and therapeutic development.
DNA strand.

Synthetic Biology: Engineering Meets Biology

Featuring expert academic insights, this article will outline recent research advancements in synthetic biology, including novel methods and applications.
T cells.

Immune Cartographers: The Scientists Mapping the Immune Cell Atlas

This article will discuss progress on the development of the Immune Cell Atlas, the different techniques and technologies contributing to its development and some of the interesting findings that are coming out of the project.
A graphic of a hand of someone giving blood.

LGBTQ+ Health Expert's Take on FDA's Updates to Blood Donation Guidelines

We spoke with Professor Perry N. Halkitis, dean, distinguished professor and champion of LGBTQ+ rights, about the US FDA's recent reversal of its time-based deferrals and screening questions specific to gay and bisexual men for assessing blood donation eligibility.