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Latest App Notes & Case Studies

App Note / Case Study

Pathway independent cell-based assays on the EnSpire Multimode Plate Reader with Epic® label-free technology

This application note details how the PerkinElmer EnSpire® Multimode Plate Reader with Corning® Epic® label-free technology can be used in multi-well microplate formats to non-invasively identify and characterize multiple G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) pathways in living cells using an orthogonal approach.
App Note / Case Study

Comparison of Performance: EnSpire Multimode Plate Reader and Corning® Epic® System

In recent years, label-free technology has gained momentum as an innovative tool in the fields of cellular research and biochemical binding assays. This application note demonstrates the comparable performance of the EnSpire Multimode Plate Reader to the Corning® Epic® System.
App Note / Case Study

Optimization of Instrument Settings and Measurement Parameters for Kinetic Fluorometric and Luminometric Assays

When fluorometric and luminometric assays are performed in microplate format, a high number of samples can be analyzed at a time. The speed of the reaction kinetics of the assay determines the requirements for the detection instrument and measurement parameters for achieving the best possible performance of the assay.
App Note / Case Study

Turbidometric Growth Curve Measurements and Liquid Evaporation Studies with a Microplate Photometer

The turbidity of a liquid sample is traditionally measured either with a nephelometer or a photometer. The measure of turbidity (also called optical density, OD) refers to the scattering of light from the particles of the measured sample. When measuring turbidity of a bacterial culture, the amount of scattered light is directly proportional to the number of bacterial cells in the sample.
App Note / Case Study

An Easy Determination of the Antioxidant Power of Beverage Samples with Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC Microplate Photometer

Oxidative stress has been demonstrated to be involved in many diseases including atherochlerosis, Parkinson disease and cancer. Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen and a biological system’s ability to detoxify the reactive intermediates, or easily repair the resulting damages.
App Note / Case Study

Sample Reformatting and Sample Archiving

Biobanking is becoming a central element in the study of patient genetic data and clinical application of genetic research. Until recently, collections of DNA samples have tended to be fairly small and localized with varied sample containers that were unsuitable for an increasing throughput and automated system use.
App Note / Case Study

Reading Racked 2D-Coded Cryo Tubes directly from -80ºC Freezer

With the storage of biological samples such as DNA, protein, blood fractions and viable cells becoming commonplace. The need to store them at lower temperatures has resulted in reading challenges for traditional rack readers.