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Image of Katie Brighton

Katie Brighton

Scientific Copywriter

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Katie joined Technology Networks in January 2022 after completing a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a master’s by research degree in molecular and cellular biology, both at the University of Leeds. They loved the breadth of scientific content covered in their undergraduate studies and wanted to share their passion for research through science communication. As a scientific copywriter, Katie assembles newsletters, writes promotional webinar copy, supports the publication’s in-house writers and produces scientific content.

Latest Content
An outline of the human intestines, with the pancreas shown in blue.

Rising Pancreatic Cancer Rates Impact Women More Than Men

A recent study from Cedars-Sinai has highlighted that pancreatic cancer rates are rising faster in women than in men of the same age. The work is published in Gastroenterology.
Fluid-filled LC-MS bottles.
Industry Insight

A New Era of MS-Based Proteomics To Advance Human Wellness

Technology Networks spoke to Katherine Tran from SCIEX about the latest advances in data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry and how it can be used to further our understanding of the proteome in health and disease.
A brain diagram on a blue background.

Is Alzheimer’s Disease Driven by Our Foraging Instinct?

A new review from the University of Colorado, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has proposed that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a result of an evolutionary survival pathway used during times of scarcity and is driven by diet.
A bowl of soybeans in their pods.

Protein Found in Soy Lowers Levels of “Bad” Cholesterol

Soybeans have been known to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol – also known as “bad” cholesterol – for some time, but new research has identified the specific protein involved in this mechanism and how it works.
Cell-containing petri dishes sit under a UV lamp used for gel manicures.

Nail Manicure Dryers Cause Cell Death and DNA Damage

A new study from the University of California San Diego (UCSD) has called into question the safety of the ultraviolet (UV) light devices used to cure gel manicures.
Red and yellow atoms in a crystalline structure.

Metal Alloy Identified as the Toughest Material on Earth

A team of researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory has identified the toughest material on Earth – a metal alloy of chromium, cobalt and nickel.
Red split lentils in a hessian sack.

“Zapping” Technique Makes Lentils More Digestible and Nutritious

Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan have developed a new method of treating red lentils to make the starches and proteins they contain easier to digest.
Multicolored pills surround a clock reading five to twelve.

Night-Time Use of Sedative Increases Heart Damage Risk

A new research study has found that midazolam – a sedative used before surgery to make patients relaxed and sleepy – is associated with a greater risk of heart damage when used at night.
A cheese burger in the foreground, with fries in the background.

High-Fat Diet Reprograms Immune Cells in Mice

A new study from researchers at Portland State University has reported that a diet high in saturated fats – such as the ketogenic or “keto” diet – can alter the immune system in mice.
A hand holds a glass containing ice and amber-colored liquid.

How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain and the Body?

Alcohol has complex, unseen and far-reaching effects at the molecular and cellular level, including altering our gut microbiome, accelerating the aging process and even changing the synapses in the brain.