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Image of Lucy Lawrence

Lucy Lawrence

Senior Digital Content Producer

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Lucy is the Senior Digital Content Producer for Technology Networks and is recognized for creating and producing Technology Networks latest video series 'Ask Me Anything'. With a passion for captivating scientific narratives, she covers diverse topics ranging from cybernetics to cannabis. Lucy's unwavering belief in the transformative power of science drives her to create exceptional content that educates, inspires, and entertains across multiple media platforms.

Latest Content
Revealing the Combinatorial Power of Genetic and Epigenetic Information for Early Cancer Detection content piece image

Revealing the Combinatorial Power of Genetic and Epigenetic Information for Early Cancer Detection

In this episode we discuss how the combination of both genetic and epigenetic information within a single DNA sample can provide key insights on the dynamic interactions that are occurring, offering significant advantages in many research areas.
Unlocking the Potential of Genetics and Epigenetics for Early Cancer Detection content piece image

Unlocking the Potential of Genetics and Epigenetics for Early Cancer Detection

In this Teach me in 10 episode we will explore how simultaneous sequencing of genetic and epigenetic bases in cfDNA allows for early cancer detection.
Can Humans Be Made on a Microchip? content piece image

Can Humans Be Made on a Microchip?

Get ready to step into the future of biomedical research for a podcast with Professor Don Ingber where we discuss the ground-breaking technology of "body-on-a-chip."
Representation of a bladder tumor cell

Early Detection of Bladder Cancer with Oncuria

In this video, Dr. Charles Rosser, a board-certified urologist discusses the development of Oncuria for the early detection of bladder cancer.
Unlocking the Power of Therapeutic Antibodies content piece image

Unlocking the Power of Therapeutic Antibodies

In this episode of Opinionated Science we dive into the world of therapeutic antibodies with Bio-Rad.
Unraveling the Mysteries of 3D Organoids With Live-Cell Analysis content piece image

Unraveling the Mysteries of 3D Organoids With Live-Cell Analysis

Want to learn how to create 3D organoids using the latest Incucyte workflow? Join Kalpana Barnes from Sartorius AG in our Teach Me in 10 video and discover how to embed organoids, optimize experiments and measure growth and death through live-cell analysis.
An Interview With Chromatography Expert Dr. Susanne Fabel  content piece image

An Interview With Chromatography Expert Dr. Susanne Fabel

This interview highlights HPLC expert Dr. Susanne Fabel of Thermo Scientific. She discusses her passion for analytical chemistry and successes in developing world-class LC instruments — like the brand new Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Analytical Purification LC Systems — and gives us guidance on how to approach analytical scale purifications.
What Are Oligonucleotide Therapeutics? content piece image

What Are Oligonucleotide Therapeutics?

In this Teach me in 10 we are joined by Chris Rosenau, product manager of nucleic acid therapeutics at Thermo Fisher Scientific to discover all things Oligonucleotide Therapeutics.
How To Improve and Simplify Your Electrophoresis Workflow content piece image

How To Improve and Simplify Your Electrophoresis Workflow

Opinionated Science welcomes Paulius Palaima for a remarkable behind-the-scenes look into the world of Electrophoresis.
Mitigate Interference and Contamination in PFAS Analysis content piece image

Mitigate Interference and Contamination in PFAS Analysis

In this Teach Me in 10, we hear from field application scientist Marc Elie on the challenges of PFAS analysis in matrices including drinking water and wastewater and how to mitigate interference and contamination on LC-MS/MS instrumentation.