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Latest How To Guides

Assessing Mitochondrial Toxicity in Early Drug Development  content piece image
How To Guide

Assessing Mitochondrial Toxicity in Early Drug Development

Mitochondrial toxicity assessments are crucial to ensuring the safety and efficacy of candidate compounds during drug development.
Fundamentals of Flow Cytometry: The Five Stages To Consider for a Successful Flow Cytometry Experiment content piece image
How To Guide

Fundamentals of Flow Cytometry: The Five Stages To Consider for a Successful Flow Cytometry Experiment

Download this guide to discover tips on sample preparation, fluorescence, fluorochromes and your antigens, your cytometer and data analysis.
How To Address NGS Challenges content piece image
How To Guide

How To Address NGS Challenges

Download this guide to learn how to select the appropriate NGS method and sequencing platform, deal with samples of variable quality, and set up and manage the data analysis pipeline.
Connecting Laboratories With Data-Driven Automation Software content piece image
How To Guide

Connecting Laboratories With Data-Driven Automation Software

Download this guide to learn more about automated software and the latest solutions available.
How To Transfer From Animal-Derived Matrices to GrowDex 3D Cell Culture Matrix content piece image
How To Guide

How To Transfer From Animal-Derived Matrices to GrowDex 3D Cell Culture Matrix

Animal-derived matrices for 3D cell culture are often poorly defined and suffer from lot-to-lot variability which ultimately affects the reproducibility of the experiment – an essential element for reliable research studies.
Fall in Love With Pipetting Again: Automated Liquid Handling content piece image
How To Guide

Fall in Love With Pipetting Again: Automated Liquid Handling

Download this guide to learn more about automated liquid handling solutions.
How To Ensure Data Integrity content piece image
How To Guide

How To Ensure Data Integrity

Download this guide to discover how data integrity is fundamental to quality assurance, process development and production, and analytical development and quality control.
Guide for Identifying and Correcting Common Cell Growth Problems With Adherent Cells content piece image
How To Guide

Guide for Identifying and Correcting Common Cell Growth Problems With Adherent Cells

These living cultures often respond to our mistakes not only by the erratic behavior common to other laboratory tools, but by dying – the total, irreplaceable destruction of the tool itself.
Eight Ways To Make Your Lab More Sustainable content piece image
How To Guide

Eight Ways To Make Your Lab More Sustainable

Download this guide to discover tips on avoiding single-use plastics, managing your cold storage and conserving water and energy.
Preventing Cell Culture Contamination content piece image
How To Guide

Preventing Cell Culture Contamination

Download this guide to discover tips on appropriate reagent use, cell handling, storage, maintenance and general cleanliness in the lab.