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Latest Infographics

Exploring the Drug Discovery and Development Pipeline content piece image

Exploring the Drug Discovery and Development Pipeline

Drug discovery and development can take up to 15 years and cost over $1 billion dollars. This infographic details the steps involved from conceptualization of a treatment to bringing it to market.
CD47: Regulation of cellular phagocytosis in cancer, inflammation & neurobiology content piece image

CD47: Regulation of cellular phagocytosis in cancer, inflammation & neurobiology

Download this infographic to discover what makes CD47 an attractive target for the development of novel therapeutics.
The Evolution of DNA Sequencing [Infographic] content piece image

The Evolution of DNA Sequencing [Infographic]

Download this infographic to learn about some of the most important steps in the rapid development of modern sequencing.

Cell Culture: Making Sense of 3D Tools  content piece image

Cell Culture: Making Sense of 3D Tools

Cell culture has come a long way since Roux’s first method in 1885, playing a key role in a wide range of biological research, from drug discovery, to modelling diseases, to manufacturing vaccines.
Critical Challenges in Cell-Based Analysis content piece image

Critical Challenges in Cell-Based Analysis

Download this Infographic to identify the critical challenges faced in cell-based analyses, and how these are overcome by means of exciting developments in real-time live-cell analysis.
Biotherapeutic Delivery content piece image

Biotherapeutic Delivery

Delivering drugs to their site of action is a necessary feature of all medications. Different strategies are currently being employed to enable the targeted delivery of biotherapeutics.
What do we KNOw About Nitric Oxide's Role in Neuroinflammation content piece image

What do we KNOw About Nitric Oxide's Role in Neuroinflammation

Is the up-regulation of nitric oxide production a symptom or a cause of the neuroinflammation that underlies degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's or Multiple Sclerosis? This infographic sets out the facts.
Creating an Environmentally Sustainable Lab  content piece image

Creating an Environmentally Sustainable Lab

Discover opportunities for improving the sustainability of your lab.
Improving Efficiency with Lab Automation content piece image

Improving Efficiency with Lab Automation

Automation and robotics are increasingly prominent features in the laboratory. Freeing up scientists to be creative and transforming the working day for many individuals.

Going Green With Flow Chemistry content piece image

Going Green With Flow Chemistry

Flow chemistry is replacing batch process chemistry. This infographic describes how the technology is cleaning up the chemical industry by being greener, leaner and safer than traditional batch processing.