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Latest How To Guides

How To Optimize Next-Generation Sequencing Workflows  content piece image
How To Guide

How To Optimize Next-Generation Sequencing Workflows

Download this guide to learn more about techniques such as bulk tissue RNA sequencing, single-nucleus RNA sequencing and whole-genome DNA sequencing.
Immunohistochemistry Guide content piece image
How To Guide

Immunohistochemistry Guide

Both IHC and ICC are powerful tools that provide insights into gene expression, spatial relationships and biomarker identification in a wide variety of applications. These applications include basic research, assessment of normal and disease states within human and animal tissues and assessment of plant pathology.
PCR Troubleshooting content piece image
How To Guide

PCR Troubleshooting

Download this guide to discover key considerations when performing PCR, including the concentration and purity of starting sample, primer suitability, downstream applications and annealing temperatures.
Best Practices for Returning to the Lab content piece image
How To Guide

Best Practices for Returning to the Lab

Download this free how to guide to learn more about the tips and best practices for returning to the lab after an unexpected shutdown.
Characterizing Structural Variants content piece image
How To Guide

Characterizing Structural Variants

Structural variants (SVs) are genomic variants encompassing insertions, deletions, duplications, inversions and translocations. SV analysis is of high importance for increasing our understanding of diseases including cancer, neurological disorders and rare genetic diseases. Using long nanopore sequencing reads, SVs can now be characterized with unprecedented resolution.

Accelerated Manufacturing of mRNA Vaccines content piece image
How To Guide

Accelerated Manufacturing of mRNA Vaccines

Accelerated timelines are critical when responding to an outbreak and efficient vaccine manufacturing is required to enable a quicker transition from research to the clinic, saving lives. mRNAs allow biotechnology companies to develop vaccines in response to pandemics, such as COVID-19, in a matter of weeks.
An Introduction to Crystal Digital PCR™ content piece image
How To Guide

An Introduction to Crystal Digital PCR™

Download this guide to learn more about the advantages and applications of dPCR as well as an easy four step workflow and intuitive software for result analysis.
The Essential Guide to Multiomic Single-Cell Immunology content piece image
How To Guide

The Essential Guide to Multiomic Single-Cell Immunology

Download this guide to learn more about what cell types are responsible for disease, what genes are important for immune activation and how do you understand the immune response to vaccination or infection in patients.
Automation That Connects Your Drug Discovery Workflow content piece image
How To Guide

Automation That Connects Your Drug Discovery Workflow

With the laboratory of the future in mind, a flexible and fully integrated solution can help you to seamlessly connect workflows and data to effectively automate your science. Download this guide to discover how to improve reproducibility and productivity without compromising data quality.
16 Ways To Ensure Consistency in Your PCR Experiments content piece image
How To Guide

16 Ways To Ensure Consistency in Your PCR Experiments

Download this guide to gain a further understanding of how to perform PCR with high precision and accuracy for optimal results.