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Microscopic image of kidney cells.

Spatial Biology: Location, Location, Location!

This article will review advances in multimodal imaging mass spectrometry applications and a computational method to achieve higher resolution from spatial transcriptomics datasets.
A pulse rendered in blue and red.

The Pulse: Psychedelic News From Technology Networks

In the Pulse, the monthly psychedelics industry roundup from Technology Networks and Analytical Cannabis, we highlight some of the most significant psychedelic industry news from the past month. This includes important announcements, pre-clinical work and the latest from groundbreaking psychedelic clinical trials.
A scientist holds a chunk of brain with tweezers.

Building an Atlas of the Brain To Guide Neuroscience: An Interview With the Allen Institute's Ed Lein

A new project to map the billions of cells in the human brain is underway. The project, dubbed BICAN (BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network) will exploit rapid advances in genomic and cellular technology to build an atlas of the brain. Technology Networks spoke to project lead Ed Lein to find out more.

A hand holds a glass containing ice and amber-colored liquid.

How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain and the Body?

Alcohol has complex, unseen and far-reaching effects at the molecular and cellular level, including altering our gut microbiome, accelerating the aging process and even changing the synapses in the brain.
An illustrator's depiction of science's future.

The Future of Science: Humanity Takes a Front Seat

With the world of science rapidly evolving, and a new year beginning, we look at the trends breaking through right now, asking experts: where is the world of science headed?
Illustration of a cell culture plate with various organoids linking to the area of the human body they are from.

An Introduction to Organoids, Organoid Creation, Culture and Applications

Organoids have revolutionized biological and medical research and proven to be excellent substitutes for animal models in preclinical studies. Here, we discuss what organoids are and how they have been developed over the years to become popular research tools.
A person drops a sweetener into a white mug.

Deep Dive: Can Too Much Sweetener Affect Your Grandchildren’s Anxiety?

A new study suggests that aspartame, the common sweetener, produces anxiety-like behavior in mice, an effect that was passed on to multiple subsequent generations.
Molecular Science and Art With Professor David Goodsell content piece image

Molecular Science and Art With Professor David Goodsell

Technology Networks interviews renowned structural biologist-turned molecular artist, Professor David Goodsell.
Egg on Our Face: Another Asilomar Moment? content piece image

Egg on Our Face: Another Asilomar Moment?

Michael Kinch confronts a recent controversy in the field of immunology, where researchers failed to seek permission or guidance from the NIAID before engineering mutant forms of SARS-CoV-2.
A person holding a baby.

Babies, Parenthood and the Brain: What Do We Know?

Early interactions between babies and their parents can help to nurture the developing infant brain, and changes can also be observed in the brains of new parents. So, what has recent research taught us about babies, parenthood and the brain?