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www.thebraindomain.org: Science Writing for Public Engagement content piece image

www.thebraindomain.org: Science Writing for Public Engagement

The Brain Domain is a blog and article focused public engagement website, geared towards helping young neuroscientists improve their skills in science writing and communication.
MEG Resting State Functional Connectivity and Network Topology in Dyslexia Related Genotype content piece image

MEG Resting State Functional Connectivity and Network Topology in Dyslexia Related Genotype

Studying resting state neuro-functional interactions and their network distribution may tell us more about differences in typical and a typical brain development.
Analysis of the Effect of Aggregated β-Amyloid on Cellular Signaling Pathways Critical for Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease content piece image

Analysis of the Effect of Aggregated β-Amyloid on Cellular Signaling Pathways Critical for Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease

Here we evaluate the ability to detect changes in phosphorylation levels of ERK and CREB following treatment with Aβ using the SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line.
Assessment of Oral LISPRO Treatment in Ameliorating Amyloid and Tau Pathology in Transgenic  Alzheimer’s Mice Model content piece image

Assessment of Oral LISPRO Treatment in Ameliorating Amyloid and Tau Pathology in Transgenic Alzheimer’s Mice Model

Ionic co-crystals of lithium salicylate with organic proline (LISPRO) showed better safety and pharmacokinetic profile of lithium in plasma and brain of wild-type and transgenic Alzheimer mice model compared to lithium salts.
CiPA Phase 2 Study: validation of an automated microelectrode array (MEA) assay of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte electrophysiology for cardiac safety evaluation content piece image

CiPA Phase 2 Study: validation of an automated microelectrode array (MEA) assay of hiPSC-derived cardiomyocyte electrophysiology for cardiac safety evaluation

These results support the use of hSC-CM and MEA technology for preclinical assessment of proarrhythmic risk within the proposed CiPA paradigm, and, more generally, demonstrate that automation of the CM-MEA assay can achieve high reliability and throughput for cardiac risk assessment in vitro.
Modulation of GPRC6A Signaling to Mitigate Tauopathies content piece image

Modulation of GPRC6A Signaling to Mitigate Tauopathies

Overall, our data suggest that decreased GPRC6A signaling reduces tau pathology. Further studies is required to warrant the role of GPRC6A in amino acid sensing associated autophagy or other protein degradation mechanisms. GPRC6A allosteric antagonists may potentially find utility as novel drugs to treat tauopathies and related disorders.
Amyloid Beta Nano Particle used to Sensitize Dendritic Cells as a Therapeutic Vaccine against Alzheimer's disease content piece image

Amyloid Beta Nano Particle used to Sensitize Dendritic Cells as a Therapeutic Vaccine against Alzheimer's disease

This project researches the use of immunotherapy to combat Alzheimer's disease. This is achieved by exposing dendritic cells, antigen presenting cells, to amyloid beta in order to sensitize the cell. The results indicate that a mutant form of amyloid beta was successful in producing anti-amyloid-beta antibodies and in improving behavior in the mice.
Neuronal Mislocalization of Mutant DHHC9 in X-Linked Intellectual DIsability content piece image

Neuronal Mislocalization of Mutant DHHC9 in X-Linked Intellectual DIsability

DHHC9 is a protein acyltransferase (PAT) that adds a palmitate to specific protein substrates. In the neuron, palmitoylation of various proteins by DHHC9 facilitates proper neuronal function. Recently, a DHHC9 nonsense mutation (R298*), resulting in a truncation of the last 67 amino acids of the protein, has been associated with X-Linked Intellectual Disability (XLID). Here, we compare neuronal localization of the wild-type (WT) and R298* mutant DHHC9.
Cross-disciplinary Optimization of Nano-Drug Delivery to Ovarian Carcinoma and Glioma Cells content piece image

Cross-disciplinary Optimization of Nano-Drug Delivery to Ovarian Carcinoma and Glioma Cells

This study reports on the quantitative analysis of the diffusion and localization of a targeted drug delivery system (DDS) consisting of fluorescent labeled 0.01 µM paclitaxel-BODIPY 564/570 encapsulated in non-ionic surfactant vesicles embedded in a thermosensitive cross-linked chitosan hydrogel.
Hexachlorophene reduces Tau aggregation and potential therapeutic agent for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease content piece image

Hexachlorophene reduces Tau aggregation and potential therapeutic agent for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

An increase in phosphorylation of tau (hyper phosphorylation) leads to aggregation of the protein resulting in neurofibrillary tangles, a pathological hallmark associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The identification of pharmacological agents that can help decrease levels of phosphorylated tau would be advantageous. Recent work in our laboratory has found that the molecule hexachlorophene can regulate levels of tau in cellular models.