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Latest App Notes & Case Studies

App Note / Case Study

Triggering with the Leica TCS SP5, TCS SP5 II and DM6000 CFS

This document provides detailed information about triggering with the Leica TCS SP5, TCS SP5 II and DM6000 CFS systems.
App Note / Case Study

Characterization of Pollen Samples with the Morphologi® G3SE

The Morphologi® G3 automated particle characterization system is an analytical tool that provides microscope quality images and delivers statistically significant data through the rapid analysis.
App Note / Case Study

3D Cell Culture: mimicking real tissue

Technological advances in the last couple of years have enabled 3D scaffolds to be engineered that offer a real proxy for the in vivo environment which can be easily and routinely used in a cell culture laboratory.

Alvetex Scaffold enables cells to develop natural, in vivo-like intercellular interactions, providing an ideal environment for real three-dimensional growth and nutrient exchange that is comparable to intra-capillary exchange in living tissues.

App Note / Case Study

3D cell culture: a realistic and reproducible collagen-based environment

Researchers are increasingly turning to 3D cell culture techniques, due to the improved physiological relevance of the cellular environment. 3D cell cultures offer a more in vivo-like response to stimuli more closely resembling the behavior of animal models or the human body.
App Note / Case Study

Optimized cell culture

Culturing of various stable cell lines, including bacterial, yeast, hybridoma, insect and mammalian lines, and stem cells, is an important task in the pharmaceutical industry. The cells need to be maintained and expanded for use in cell-based assays, such as siRNA screening, ADME and high content screening, as well as for clone selection.
App Note / Case Study

Forensic Investigations using Confocal Raman Imaging

Confocal Raman Imaging is a very effective tool for forensic analysis as it provides information on the chemical composition.
App Note / Case Study

General V3 Western Blotting Protocol

Western blotting is a very useful and widely adopted lab technique, but the traditional procedure can be long and tedious. Researchers can assess only whether a blot image is captured at the end of the long procedure and the quality of western blot data is sometimes challenged due to poor loading controls.
App Note / Case Study

Avoiding Housekeeping Protein Detection Saturation

Reliable western blot data require detection of the target and loading control proteins in the linear dynamic range. Many published western blot images show saturated protein bands, indicating that they were not measured in the linear dynamic range. Quantitative analysis based on this type of data is not reliable.
App Note / Case Study

Identification of the Site of the Octanoic Acid Post-Translational Modification in Human Ghrelin Using Electron Transfer Dissociation

ETD is a powerful fragmentation technique that has proved particularly useful for the determination of labile post-translational modifications of peptides and proteins. The technique has been used to determine the site-specific octanoylation of the peptide Ghrelin which could not be determined using Collision Induced Dissociation.
App Note / Case Study

ESGRO-2i Medium: Inhibitor-Based Serum-free Medium for ES and iPS Cell Culture

Defined serum-free and feeder-free culture of mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells holds many advantages over the classical serum-containing feeder-dependent culture methods, ranging from decreased lot-to-lot variations to ease of culture.