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Latest Posters

Overcoming the Challenges of Analysing Ionic Polar Pesticides in Food content piece image

Overcoming the Challenges of Analysing Ionic Polar Pesticides in Food

Here, the novel application of the Waters’ Torus DEA column is presented, showing the improved performance of a UPLC-MS/MS method for the underivatised
analysis of glyphosate and a selection of other anionic pesticides.
Optical Spectroscopy Techniques for Rapid Cannabis Analysis content piece image

Optical Spectroscopy Techniques for Rapid Cannabis Analysis

This poster provides a review of the use of three optical spectroscopy techniques for rapid cannabis analysis including reasons for why you should use them in your lab.
A New Tool for the Automated Sample Preparation of Whole Blood Samples by LC-MS using a Commercial Autosampler content piece image

A New Tool for the Automated Sample Preparation of Whole Blood Samples by LC-MS using a Commercial Autosampler

Automated sample preparation reduces the costs per sample and minimizes sample handling errors. Usually expensive and highly specialized pipetting robots are used. However, most of these systems are not designed with a direct interface for LC-MS applications. In addition common pipetting systems are not optimized for smaller scale sample series. Here we present a new tool for liquid handling of whole blood samples and direct sample injection.
Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis in Food Matrices Using Ultivo Triple Quad LC/MS content piece image

Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis in Food Matrices Using Ultivo Triple Quad LC/MS

Regulatory agencies have set maximum residue levels for hundreds of pesticides and their metabolites in foods.
Analysis of Mycotoxins in Food Matrices using the Innovative Ultivo Triple Quad LC/MS content piece image

Analysis of Mycotoxins in Food Matrices using the Innovative Ultivo Triple Quad LC/MS

A study demonstrating the accuracy and sensitive quantification of up to 12 regulated mycotoxin compounds in three commonly regulated foods.

Fully automated sample preparation for the determination of plasticizers in PVC from food contact materials and toys

The poster outlines a comprehensive, fully automated analysis of plasticizers in toys and food stuff.
Characterization of Heavily Contaminated Sites using NMR Spectroscopy content piece image

Characterization of Heavily Contaminated Sites using NMR Spectroscopy

NMR spectroscopy provides a unique analytical approach to present a more complete an unbiased understanding of the composition of NAPLs at many contaminated sites.

PAL SPME Arrow for the determination of volatile organic compounds in water by GC-MS after headspace-solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) according to German standard method DIN 38 407-41

Robust and sensitive determination of volatile organic compounds in water by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) according to German standard method DIN 38 407-41
Analysis of Urine SRMs Using Solid-Phase Micro Extraction, Dynamic Headspace, and Liquid Injection with Comprehensive GCxGC High Res TOFMS content piece image

Analysis of Urine SRMs Using Solid-Phase Micro Extraction, Dynamic Headspace, and Liquid Injection with Comprehensive GCxGC High Res TOFMS

We used modern-day, high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HRT) and powerful processing software to quickly and confidently identify compounds in urine.
Screening Medical Marijuana for Pesticides by GC-MS/MS content piece image

Screening Medical Marijuana for Pesticides by GC-MS/MS

This poster describes streamlined method development process for analysis of pesticide residues in MM using a QuEChERS sample preparation method, followed by GC-MS/MS detection and quantitation.