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3D Printing of Protein Foods – Opportunities and Challenges content piece image

3D Printing of Protein Foods – Opportunities and Challenges

Speaking at Advances in Food & Beverage Analysis, Lovedeep Kaur from Massey University, presented their talk on 3D printing of protein foods.
Entomoculture: Using Insect Cells for Cellular Agriculture content piece image

Entomoculture: Using Insect Cells for Cellular Agriculture

Speaking at the Advances in Food & Beverage Analysis 2022 online symposium, Sophie Letcher from Tufts University delivered her talk on the use of insect cells as a sustainable food source.
Cells grouped together.

Using Ultrasound To Move Cells and Build Tissue

Manipulating individual cells is a difficult task. New research conducted at Caltech has created an alternative: air-filled proteins, produced by genetically engineered cells, that can be pushed around—along with the cells containing them—by ultrasound waves.
Unraveling the Mysteries of 3D Organoids With Live-Cell Analysis content piece image

Unraveling the Mysteries of 3D Organoids With Live-Cell Analysis

Want to learn how to create 3D organoids using the latest Incucyte workflow? Join Kalpana Barnes from Sartorius AG in our Teach Me in 10 video and discover how to embed organoids, optimize experiments and measure growth and death through live-cell analysis.
Illustration of a person being cryogenically frozen.

Can You Freeze Your Body and Come Back to Life?

Is it possible to freeze a human, preserve them indefinitely and then thaw them out? Shannon N. Tessier explores the challenges of human cryopreservation.
Group of people in lab coats brushing up on their scientific knowledge.

Do the Public Need To Be More Scientifically Literate? With Dr. Hilary Jones

Why is it important to have doctors working within the media? Do the public need to be more scientifically literate? What advances have we seen in diagnostics? And how can this help GPs in the UK?
Automating Cell-Based Assays to Determine Viral Vector Titer – Oxford Biomedica & Hamilton Robotics content piece image

Automating Cell-Based Assays to Determine Viral Vector Titer – Oxford Biomedica & Hamilton Robotics

In this video, Oxford Biomedica, an innovative global gene and cell therapy company with operations in the UK and US, describes the automation of an assay requiring a 10-day cell-based workflow
A roasted chicken sitting on a table between a knife and fork.

What Science Says About Brining Your Bird

George and Andrew violently disagree on whether brining meat matters. George thinks brining is totally unnecessary; Andrew thinks George is a heathen. They resolve their dispute with the help of some chemistry.
Simple and Effective Sample Preparation Techniques for Ion Chromatography content piece image

Sample Preparation Techniques for Ion Chromatography

This Teach Me in 10 will cover some of the common sample preparation techniques used in ion chromatography and explore the methods used to accelerate target analyte determination.
Three horses seen standing in a field, one black and two brown.

Other Mammals Have This, Why Don't You?

It turns out that humans are pretty special among mammals, but it's not just because of our big brains and the fact that we walk on two legs.