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Latest Whitepapers

Reliable Results from Cell-Based Bioassays content piece image

Reliable Results from Cell-Based Bioassays

While common laboratory plastics are generally regarded as inert by researchers, some commonly used products such as pipette tips and sample tubes have been reported to leach chemical compounds including oleamide, erucamide and DiHEMDA.
Pharma Efficiencies, Data Compliance and Weighing Excellence content piece image

Pharma Efficiencies, Data Compliance and Weighing Excellence

With time a precious commodity and ever-increasing regulatory scrutiny, pharmaceutical laboratories are always on the lookout for simple solutions to make their routine tasks easier.
What Is Your CO<sub>2</sub> Incubator Telling You? content piece image

What Is Your CO2 Incubator Telling You?

Download this whitepaper to learn more about the three types of incubator monitoring, the level of data and visibility your incubator provides as well as monitoring physiological pH.
High-Throughput Plate Sorting content piece image

High-Throughput Plate Sorting

Download this whitepaper to discover how a cell sorter can provide precise sorting while maintaining low droplet charge voltages and also handle very high event and sort rates.
The Evolution of Next-Generation Sequencing content piece image

The Evolution of Next-Generation Sequencing

Download this whitepaper to discover how third generation sequencing can identify disease-causing variants with complex genetic etiology, detect SARS-CoV-2 and provide novel genetic insights.
Making the Switch to In-House Mycoplasma Testing content piece image

Making the Switch to In-House Mycoplasma Testing

Many regulatory guidelines state that cell banks and cultures used in the production of biologics must be tested for mycoplasma. Mycoplasma infections can cause severe problems in manufacturing as these organisms can alter DNA, RNA and modify host cell plasma membrane antigens.
Quantitative and Reproducible Bioconjugation content piece image

Quantitative and Reproducible Bioconjugation

Bioconjugation is the chemical linking of two biomolecules to form a single hybrid that retains the biological activity of each component, yet provides a novel function that is not possible with each individual biomolecule.
Insight - Research Advancements with Proteomics Technology content piece image

Insight - Research Advancements with Proteomics Technology

Proteins are one of the most vital parts of living organisms with many functions, using the latest proteomics methods it is now possible to understand how protein changes in our body influence health and disease, particularly during ageing.
Accelerating Drug Discovery With an Automated Single-Cell Workflow content piece image

Accelerating Drug Discovery With an Automated Single-Cell Workflow

Single-cell sequencing is quickly becoming a standard tool in biological research due to the scale and depth of insight it provides across diverse cell populations. The pharmaceutical industry is exploiting single-cell approaches to identify novel therapeutic targets and accelerate promising assets through development.
Rapid Implementation of Novel Affinity Purification content piece image

Rapid Implementation of Novel Affinity Purification

The rapid and cost-effective production of conventional monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for clinical trials has contributed toward their wide adoption. As the number of next-generation antibody-based candidates with modified or absent Fc domains increases, biomanufacturers face a need to establish alternative affinity purification technologies.