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A graphical recreation of a human hologram from the shoulders upwards.

Multiomics – A Multi-Layered Answer to Multi-Layered Questions

Featuring expert insights, this article will reflect on recent progress in the multiomics research space, exploring workflow developments, technologies and applications.
Closeup of circuitry and "AI" on a chip.

Real-World Applications of AI You Need To Know About

While AI is a computer science tool, it has been increasingly utilized for various applications across many scientific disciplines, ranging from diagnostics to genomics. This list will give you a glimpse into some of these applications.
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Millions in FDA Fines and Thousands of Warning Letters: How GxP Compliance Software Can Help Avoid Them

In this article, we explore the benefits of adopting a single GxP software solution across all sites.
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The Evolution of Software as a Service (SaaS) in the Laboratory and Beyond

In this article, we explore current applications and future directions of SaaS in the lab.
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Top Science News Stories of 2022

As the year ends, it’s time to reflect on the stories that you enjoyed the most. Here’s our roundup of this year’s most popular headlines, including new findings on how we humans age, the impact of diet on the microbiome and a revelation on the cause of multiple sclerosis (MS).
Scientist loading a 96-well plate into a fragment analyzer with a computer alongside displaying the analytical output.

New DNA Extraction Method for Long-Read Sequencing in Plant Tissues

A novel DNA preparation protocol enables labs to isolate high molecular weight DNA from a variety of plant species cost-effectively and rapidly, opening opportunities to improve the robustness of commercially valuable plants.
What Gets Animals Fired Up? An Interview With Eppendorf & Science Prize Winner Ann Kennedy content piece image

What Gets Animals Fired Up? An Interview With Eppendorf & Science Prize Winner Ann Kennedy

Aggressive behavior is a routine behavior for species as diverse as mammals, birds and even insects. The brain activity underlying aggression has been the focus of Northwestern University assistant professor Ann Kennedy’s research. Kennedy, winner of the Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology, spoke with Technology Networks to discuss her work.
A man wearing glasses with black frames looks through a screen with a digital overlay.

Towards the Lab of the Future

In this article, we look at the barriers preventing more widespread adoption of automation and digitization, and the opportunities they could bring.
Blue DNA helix.

Five Digital Transformation Steps for Cell and Gene Therapies

In this article, we outline five steps to start you and your organization on the journey to implementing new, modern cell and gene therapy development methods.
A globe surrounded by zeroes and ones to represent data

Data Reporting, Integrity and Compliance

In this article, we examine how analytical scientists can enhance their data sharing and reporting practices, leading to improvements in data integrity and an easier route to compliance within a regulated good manufacturing practice (GMP) environment.