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Latest Industry Insights

Test tubes of blood.
Industry Insight

Advances and New Technologies in Syndromic Testing

Technology Networks spoke with Arvind Kothandaraman to find out about the technologies underpinning syndromic testing, recent advances in the field and its possible role in pandemic prevention.
Using Data Lineage and Traceability to Optimize Publishing Potential content piece image
Industry Insight

Using Data Lineage and Traceability to Optimize Publishing Potential

This article discusses the importance of data lineage and traceability for academic labs looking to maximize their publishing potential.
Unraveling Biological Complexity With Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry  content piece image
Industry Insight

Unraveling Biological Complexity With Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry

This article discusses how specialized charge detection mass spectrometers have been developed to enable simultaneous charge detection and decipher large and complex macromolecules, ultimately increasing accuracy and providing high-resolution measurements for better analysis of biotherapeutics.
Novel Biosensor Aims To Help Fight Against Forever Chemicals content piece image
Industry Insight

Novel Biosensor Aims To Help Fight Against Forever Chemicals

There is widespread concern about the characteristics of PFAS and its impacts on human health. Can a protein biosensor help in this fight?
 Machine Learning Helps Achieve Greater Depth in Proteome Analysis    content piece image
Industry Insight

Machine Learning Helps Achieve Greater Depth in Proteome Analysis

To understand how machine learning methods and new software capabilities are helping proteomics researchers gain greater depth in their analyses, Technology Networks recently interviewed Tharan Srikumar, product manager in bioinformatics at Bruker Daltonics.
Exploring Flow Electroporation for Cell Engineering content piece image
Industry Insight

Exploring Flow Electroporation for Cell Engineering

Technology Networks spoke to Dr. Cenk Sumen, chief scientific officer of MaxCyte, about their pioneering cell engineering platform.
New Technology Aims To Accelerate Biopharma Development content piece image
Industry Insight

New Technology Aims To Accelerate Biopharma Development

Developing and manufacturing biotherapeutics at scale requires thorough analysis of the active substance’s characteristics to ensure it fulfils both efficacy and safety requirements. Analytical technologies, such as mass spectrometry, are key tools adopted in this process.
Easing the Switch to Hydrogen as a Carrier Gas on GC-MS content piece image
Industry Insight

Easing the Switch to Hydrogen as a Carrier Gas on GC-MS

Despite hydrogen being used successfully in many labs, concerns persist about converting existing helium-based methods to hydrogen. We speak to Aaron Boice from Agilent to learn how a new technology is helping with this transition.
Using Machine Learning To Enhance Biomarkers for Cancer Immunotherapy content piece image
Industry Insight

Using Machine Learning To Enhance Biomarkers for Cancer Immunotherapy

In this interview, we spoke to Rachel Marty Pyke PhD, manager of bioinformatics science at Personalis, to find out how machine learning can be used to detect genomic instability as a biomarker for cancer immunotherapy.
How Can BioPlatforms Support the mRNA “Revolution” content piece image
Industry Insight

How Can BioPlatforms Support the mRNA “Revolution”

The science and medicine worlds are experiencing a new revolution, and this time the protagonist is the mRNA molecule. In this article, we explore why bioplatforms support this revolution.