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Representation of a bladder tumor cell

Early Detection of Bladder Cancer with Oncuria

In this video, Dr. Charles Rosser, a board-certified urologist discusses the development of Oncuria for the early detection of bladder cancer.
Person applying a tattoo to someone's arm.

EU’s Ban on Tattoo Ink: Breaking Down the Chemistry

Recently, a handful of tattoo inks have been banned by the European Union for safety reasons. Here’s what chemistry has to say about these precarious pigments.
What Happened This Week in Science? content piece image

What Happened This Week in Science?

Check out the Technology Networks news team's selection of their favorite scientific stories from the week.
Woman in a lab coat stood in front of the periodic table pouring liquid between two glass flasks.

What Do the Elements Sound Like?

Using a technique called data sonification, a recent college graduate has converted the visible light given off by the elements into audio, creating unique, complex sounds for each one.
A mushroom-shaped fire of combusting hydrogen.

The Explosive History of Hydrogen – With Andrew Szydlo

Andrew Szydlo takes us on a whistle-stop tour of this reactive gas, originally called "flammable air", recreating some long-lost experiments along the way.
What Happened This Week in Science? content piece image

What Happened This Week in Science?

Let's look back at the science stories that came out this week!
Periodic table jigsaw with all the elements on separate tiles scattered around the table.

These Two Women Changed Chemistry Forever

We wanted to share the story of two of chemistry’s most brilliant and bold women and their paths of elemental discovery, because what they brought to the table changed the world as we know it.
Thermo Scientific Vanquish Flex UHPLC System: Complete Flexibility content piece image

Thermo Scientific Vanquish Flex UHPLC System: Complete Flexibility

Learn more about Thermo Scientific Vanquish Flex UHPLC systems and what they can do for you.
Two female scientists look at a test tube.

Celebrating Female Scientists on International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Technology Networks is delighted to showcase the work of Dr. Angela Calderón, associate professor in drug discovery and development at Auburn University in the United States.
Front of an electric vehicle plugged into a charging cable.

Why Are Electric Vehicle Fires So Hard To Put Out?

Can we solve electric vehicle fires before we fully understand what’s happening inside them?