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Latest Whitepapers

Traceability in Western Blot Imaging: Considerations for GxP Regulations content piece image

Traceability in Western Blot Imaging: Considerations for GxP Regulations

Densitometry analysis of gels is a key part of quality control in the drug release process, thus a workflow that considers all steps regarding traceability, accountability and data integrity is paramount.
Affinity Tags Head Toward the Vaccination Clinic content piece image

Affinity Tags Head Toward the Vaccination Clinic

Protein purification can be a challenging process. Since proteins are expressed in biological systems such as cells, the protein must be purified from a complex mixture. Generic column-based purification procedures exploiting differences in protein size and charge, tend to give imperfect results.
Ensuring Nucleic Acid Quantity, Quality and Integrity With Fragment Analyzers  content piece image

Ensuring Nucleic Acid Quantity, Quality and Integrity With Fragment Analyzers

Download this compendium to learn more about fragment analyzers and how these are applied to workflows.
Cell Painting - A Cellular Imaging and Machine Learning Approach to Drug Discovery content piece image

Cell Painting - A Cellular Imaging and Machine Learning Approach to Drug Discovery

Download this whitepaper to learn more about the selection of cell models and paints for the process of cellular painting.
Best Practices for Cell Culture Confluency Calculation with Incellis content piece image

Best Practices for Cell Culture Confluency Calculation with Incellis

Download this whitepaper to find out more about "scratch" assays and the advantages of using a new cell imaging system.
Enhanced Productivity and Labor Efficiency in Lot Release and In-Process Testing of Biologics in GxP Laboratories content piece image

Enhanced Productivity and Labor Efficiency in Lot Release and In-Process Testing of Biologics in GxP Laboratories

Download this whitepaper to learn more about BLI technology, and the benefits associated with its use.
How Advanced Bioinformatics Can Overcome Data Overwhelm in Biomarker Discovery for Patient Stratification content piece image

How Advanced Bioinformatics Can Overcome Data Overwhelm in Biomarker Discovery for Patient Stratification

Identifying biomarkers that predict which patient populations are most likely to respond to a particular treatment can increase the chances of a new investigational drug ultimately entering the market. In this whitepaper, you will discover how advanced bioinformatics can help you overcome biomarker discovery challenges.
Aberrant Cytokine Activity in the Host Immune Response to COVID-19 Leads to Cytokine Release Syndrome content piece image

Aberrant Cytokine Activity in the Host Immune Response to COVID-19 Leads to Cytokine Release Syndrome

Download this article to discover why the potential link between CRS and COVID-19-related deaths warrants further investigation.
Best Practices in Microorganisms Sample Preparation With Precellys® Homogenizers content piece image

Best Practices in Microorganisms Sample Preparation With Precellys® Homogenizers

Download this whitepaper to discover an instrument that uses 3D-bead beating technology to achieve quick, unbiased and flexible cell lysis.
Efficient Collaboration Can Help Address the Reproducibility Crisis content piece image

Efficient Collaboration Can Help Address the Reproducibility Crisis

Download this whitepaper to discover how efficient, digitized collaboration can help to address the reproducibility crisis