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Latest Industry Insights

A fork holding a measuring tape on a yellow background.
Industry Insight

The Rise of Weight Management Drug Wegovy

Technology Networks spoke with Novo Nordisk’s Clinical, Medical and Regulatory Affairs team to learn more about Wegovy, its popular weight management drug.
Many different types of oral medication.
Industry Insight

Small Molecule KRAS Inhibitors With Potent Antitumor Activity

In this interview, Technology Networks spoke to Dr. Cameron Pitt to learn more about KRAS as a target for cancer therapeutics, avoiding known resistance mechanisms and the effectiveness of two novel KRAS inhibitors.
Cogs with business strategy icons representing success and innovation.
Industry Insight

Change Management’s Impact on Innovation in the Pharma QC Laboratory

Change management is becoming an increasingly important part of company culture. This article explores how effective change management can reap significant benefits.
Human face looking at an artificial intelligence face.
Industry Insight

Digital Twins and Trial Arms: Is the Future of Single-Arm Oncology Trials Already Here?

In this opinion piece, Dr. Gen Li discusses how AI and predictive analytics are transforming oncology clinical trials.
Connecting hexagons each with a symbol relating to health, medicine and data.
Industry Insight

The Impact of Proteomics on Precision Oncology

To find out more about how proteomics is providing new insights into cancer dynamics and resistance mechanisms, we spoke to Dr. Ofer Sharon, CEO of OncoHost, a precision diagnostics company.
Computer-generated image of a DNA double helix.
Industry Insight

Advances in DNA Methylation Profiling and Biomarker Discovery

Technology Networks spoke with Anjali Pradhan, senior vice president of product management at Mission Bio, to discuss a new application for DNA methylation analysis, and its potential in uncovering new biological insights and biomarkers that may guide the future of cancer research.
An image of a robot meeting a human hand.
Industry Insight

Supporting Reproducibility and Accelerating Workflows With Automated Systems

At SLAS 2023, Technology Networks spoke with the PerkinElmer Life Sciences and Diagnostics organization to discuss the launch of two new automated platforms. These innovative systems are designed to improve workflows such as high-throughput drug discovery screening and next-generation sequencing library prep through advances in automation technologies.
Representation of human neurons.
Industry Insight

Road to Nervous System Repair Inspired by 20th Century Nobel Prize Winner

In this article, we explore how a future generation of scientists a century later took up Dr. Cajal’s call to arms and sought to counter his dire prognostication on the prospect of nerve regeneration.
Female scientist standing in front of a library of microalgae cultures within Provectus Algae's biofoundry.
Industry Insight

Time To Shine: Photosynthetic Biotech Is Ripe for the Picking

Renewed efforts to tap cyanobacteria, algae and plants in arenas typically dominated by heterotrophic systems are already beginning to yield fruit. In this article, we explore the inherent value of photosynthetic biotechnologies and their challenges.
Two sharks swimming in the sea.
Industry Insight

Shark-Sourced Vaccine Ingredient May Be on Its Way Out

Shark-derived squalene is a common adjuvant product found in several approved vaccines. As calls for a sustainable source of squalene increase, researchers are exploring how yeast can be used to produce squalene analogues.