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Ultra Pure vs Feed Water, Comparing the 4 Types of Laboratory Water content piece image

Ultra Pure vs Feed Water, Comparing the 4 Types of Laboratory Water

Here we explain the four types of water used in laboratories, as well as the processes and properties of each type.
 7 Projects That Are Harnessing the Power of Big Data  content piece image

7 Projects That Are Harnessing the Power of Big Data

This list highlights 7 enormous projects that are harnessing the power of big data to solve big problems in science.
8 Stories of Lab Safety Gone Wrong content piece image

8 Stories of Lab Safety Gone Wrong

Read about eight incidents from which we can all learn important lessons about lab safety.
6 Milestones in Metabolomics: Driving our understanding of the metabolome content piece image

6 Milestones in Metabolomics: Driving our understanding of the metabolome

Ever more sophisticated tools are being developed to study metabolites and increase our understanding of the metabolome. But what were the developments and discoveries that enabled this field to develop?
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7 Data Challenges in the Life Sciences

In this list, we bring together 7 of the biggest data challenges faced by scientists right now.
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15 Best Signs from the March for Science

We take a look at a selection of the best signs from the March for Science.
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4 Scientists That Were Disregarded During Their Time

Here are 4 unfortunate scientists who made crucial discoveries but were dismissed during their time.
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5 Films that get Biology all Wrong

Here we take a look at 5 films that get biology very wrong.
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9 Failed Scientific Predictions

Here we take a look at some of the most famous scientific predictions that were shown to be a little wide of the mark.
6 Pros and 3 Cons of Coffee (According to Research) content piece image

6 Pros and 3 Cons of Coffee (According to Research)

Here we take a look at some of the commonly touted reasons why we should (or shouldn’t) reach for our coffee break brew.