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AI written on a computer chip.

Artificial Intelligence Predicts Treatment Outcome in Ovarian Cancer Patients

A model based on artificial intelligence is able to predict the therapy outcome in 80% of ovarian cancer patients. The tool, named IRON (Integrated Radiogenomics for Ovarian Neoadjuvant therapy), analyzes various patient clinical features.
X chromosomes.

Why Does Lupus Occur More Often in Women?

For years, researchers and clinicians have known that lupus, an autoimmune condition, occurs in women at a rate nine times higher than in men. Researchers have now uncovered answers about the disease’s frequency in females.
A traffic sign under water.

New Model Can Better Predict European Megafloods

When floods are predicted only on the basis of local data, there may be unpleasant surprises. A new method makes it possible to significantly improve predictions - using international data from hydrologically similar areas.
Hills and mist.

Peatlands in Finland Are Expanding By One Centimeter Per Year

Previously, it was thought that the lateral expansion of peatlands in Fennoscandia has halted or significantly slowed, as the flat areas susceptible to peat formation have already turned into peatland.
Liquid, chrome-colored metal makes swirling patterns.

Liquid Metals Shake Up Century-Old Chemical Engineering Processes

Liquid metals could be the long-awaited solution to “greening” the chemical industry, according to researchers who tested a new technique they hope can replace energy-intensive chemical engineering processes.
Two people holding up beer bottles.

Lab Yeast Produces Beer, Despite Having Lost Relevant Genes

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison made an unexpected discovery while studying a strain of yeast closely related to the kind used to ferment beer.
A strand of silver-gray colored DNA.

Genome’s “Master” Regulator Could Be Used To Enhance T-Cell Therapy

A single master regulator of the genome can be used to reprogram a network of thousands of genes in T cells and greatly enhance cancer cell killing.
Ghoose barnacles colonising an abandoned fishing net float.

Scientists Caution Against a Reliance on Machines To Clear Water of Plastic

Research highlights that plastic removal technologies have shown varied efficiency in the amount of waste material they are able to collect.
A person runs their hand through their hair.

Molecular Secrets Behind "Zigzag" Hair Patterns Uncovered

researchers have discovered how biological rhythms influence hair growth in mice. This finding could pave the way for novel anti-aging treatments in humans.
A young boy looking sad.

Stress Changes More Genes in the Mouse Brain Than a Head Injury

A surprising thing happened when researchers began exploring whether early-life stress compounds the effects of a childhood head injury on health and behavior later in life.