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Latest App Notes & Case Studies

App Note / Case Study

Quantitation Limit of Pharmaceuticals by UV Spectrophotometry

Quality control and securing product safety are important in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, so it is essential that substances other than those specifically approved are not included with the specified ingredients. This means that contaminants from the environment must not become mixed in with the product ingredients and residual substances adhering to the manufacturing equipment must not contaminate the next product to be processed by that equipment.
App Note / Case Study

Absolute Reflectance of Anti-Reflective Film for Solar Cells

Solar cells, devices which convert light energy to electrical energy, are presently undergoing active research. Various innovations are being implemented to raise the conversion efficiency, and one of these is anti-reflective film which is used to increase the amount of sunlight reaching the cell.
App Note / Case Study

Quantitation of Nucleic Acid

The BioSpec-nano has 2 optical pathlengths (0.2 mm, 0.7 mm), allowing quantitation of nucleic acid with sample volumes of 1 µL and 2 µL, respectively. In addition, if the optional cell (sample volume: 2 mL) having a 5 mm pathlength is used, measurement can be conducted using the cell (cuvette).
App Note / Case Study

Analysis of Contaminants in Foods

Concern for food is rising these days due to events of contamination with toxins and deceptive labeling of origin, etc., and one concern related to food safety is contamination with foreign substances.
App Note / Case Study

Analysis of Black Rubber Diaphragm by FTIR and EDX

This Application News article introduces the qualitative analysis of a rubber diaphragm sample using both FTIR and EDX techniques.
App Note / Case Study

Measurement of Minerals in Dietary Supplements by Atomic Absorption

Recently, the development and sales of a variety of dietary supplements have increased dramatically against the background of rising public interest regarding health. This application note introduces the method of analysis of minerals in dietary supplements as specified in the Pharmacopoeia of the United States, where the supplement market now stands at about three trillion yen (33 billion dollars).
App Note / Case Study

Aroma research, flavour science, production process control

Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectometry (PTR-MS) with its online measurement capabilities enables researchers to quantify compounds in the nose space air of test persons.
App Note / Case Study

Monitoring of volatile organic contamination in cleanroom environments

Airborne molecular contamination (AMC) is a concern for any high technology manufacturing process, especially in the microelectronics industry. Organic contamination may cause adverse effects on production tools and consequently increase costs for high-tech companies.
App Note / Case Study

Real-time Measurement of Plant Defense and leaf Wounding Reactions.

Common methods of analyzing compounds released when leaves are wounded do not have the capability to monitor reactions of the plants in a time resolution high enough to reveal underlying reaction sequences.
App Note / Case Study

Real-time Monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Buildings, Offices, Cars and Planes

VOCs are chemicals that evaporate easily at room temperature. Organic refers to carbon-based molecules. Many of which are known to be harmful to human health. Chemical contamination of indoor air is a contributing factor to the so called "Sick Building Syndrome".