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An Automated Workflow for Untargeted Metabolomics of Complex Biological Samples

An Automated Workflow for Untargeted Metabolomics of Complex Biological Samples content piece image

The field of synthetic biology revolves around the design-build-test-learn (DBTL) cycle, where biological components are adjusted in multiple iterations. Automation allows synthetic biologists to spend less time pipetting liquids and devote more time understanding the science and finding creative solutions to problems. By combining automation for sample preparation with rapid separation methods we provide a phenotyping workflow suited to the needs of the synthetic biology community.

Attend this webinar to discover:

  • Automation solutions for synthetic biology applications
  • Rapid separation method workflows
  • How to improve confidence in annotation using ion mobility
Dr. Tessa Moses
Dr. Tessa Moses
Metabolomics Specialist and Facility Manager of EdinOmics, Center for Engineering Biology, The University of Edinburgh