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An Introduction to Grating-Coupled Interferometry (GCI)

An Introduction to Grating-Coupled Interferometry (GCI) content piece image

Engineered around a proprietary Grating-Coupled Interferometry (GCI) technology to deliver improved data quality from label-free biomolecular interaction analysis, the Creoptix® WAVE builds on Waveguide Interferometry to achieve superior resolution in signal and time compared to traditional Surface Plasmon Resonance. This allows researchers to quickly and accurately measure kinetic rates, determine affinity constants and monitor the concentrations of even low abundance interacting analytes in crude samples such as biofluids. With unrivaled flexibility and high sensitivity, the WAVE brings label-free quantification to a whole new world of applications, revolutionizing the study of biomolecular interactions.

Join Fabio Andres as he provides an introduction to GCI technology, find out more about:

  • Real-time interaction analysis
  • Binding affinity vs. binding kinetics
  • No-clog microfluidic chips
Keynote Speaker
Fabio Andres
Fabio Andres
Application Scientist