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Luna HPLC Columns

Explore resolution with 10 unique Luna selectivities and find your next selectivity tool.
mass spectrometry software, SCIEX OS software

SCIEX OS Software Is Engineered To Do More LC-MS/MS Analysis. Faster.

The integrated software platform solution for all SCIEX innovations; SCIEX OS software delivers data integrity, seamless usability and efficiency gains for your mass spectrometry workflows throughout your laboratory. Built on advanced and sophisticated algorithms, SCIEX OS software facilitates instrument control and automated data processing, simplifying your workflows and empowering swift, well-informed decision-making.
PerkinElmer NexION® 2200 ICP Mass Spectrometer

PerkinElmer NexION® 2200 ICP Mass Spectrometer

Enter the NexION® 2200 ICP-MS from PerkinElmer, your trusted partner in ICP-MS for four decades. The NexION 2200 system builds on our strong tradition of reliable, easy-to-use, low-maintenance instrumentation, delivering uncompromised performance, accuracy, and repeatability.
ICPMS, ICP-MS, ICP-MS system, High-performance quadrupole mass filter, Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP torch

ICPMS-2040/2050: An Era Without Compromise

Shimadzu’s ICPMS-2040/2050 achieves a harmonious blend of environmental-friendliness and analytical performance through its advanced Mini-Torch System. The system also reduces measurement time and comes with automated functions, contributing to your workflow efficiency.
SCIEX Echo(R) MS system: Accelerating drug discovery with acoustic ejection mass spectrometry

SCIEX Echo(R) MS system: Accelerating drug discovery with acoustic ejection mass spectrometry

Echo® MS system- redefining high-throughput quantification workflows. This Acoustic Ejection Mass Spectrometry (AEMS) system balances unyielding data quality, speed, and cost: adding significant value to your high-throughput screening laboratory.
Orbitrap Exploris 120

Orbitrap Exploris 120: Setting a New Horizon for Non-Targeted PFAS Analysis.

The Orbitrap Exploris 120 with Compound Discoverer's PFAS workflow, provides accurate untargeted and targeted analysis with a simplified user experience - not require time-consuming method development and provides high-quality data for confident PFAS characterization.
SCIEX Triple Quad 3500 System

SCIEX Triple Quad 3500 System

Welcome to the world of LC-MS/MS

If you’re currently running your assays using GC, GC-MS, or HPLC, a bold new world awaits you. Discover how the power of liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) can simplify and consolidate your current assays, dramatically increase your assay quality, and vastly expand the repertoire of assays you can provide – without breaking your budget. With the SCIEX Triple Quad™ 3500 LC-MS/MS system, modern hardware, powerful software, and robust engineering combine to enable lower levels of detection and quantitation than conventional GC and LC workflows, and across a wider range of analytes. You’ll get expert level performance at an entry level price.
Pioneer new discoveries with the SCIEX 7500 system

Pioneer New Discoveries With the SCIEX 7500 System

Enter a new era of sensitivity and LC-MS/MS innovation with the SCIEX 7500 system. Go beyond your current limits of sensitivity, productivity targets, ruggedness and robustness challenges. Start detecting the previously undetectable, and quantify at lower levels with impressive precision. The SCIEX 7500 system is powered by SCIEX OS software that enables new levels of quantification to analyze and represent your data in a new and intuitive format. Control, acquire, analyze, interrogate and report, all on a single software platform.

Platinum™ Next-Generation Protein Sequencer

Protein sequencing complexity is a barrier to proteomics insights. Learn how Quantum-Si’s Platinum™ simple, convenient benchtop next-generation protein sequencing solution enables you to obtain critical proteomic insights from the convenience of your lab.
7000E Triple Quadrupole GC/MS

7000E Triple Quadrupole GC/MS

The Agilent 7000E GC/TQ system leads the way in mass spec intelligence. With features like SWARM Autotune, tune accuracy and performance are unmatched. The HydroInert Source with hydrogen carrier gas provides a cost-effective alternative to helium.