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GPVI-RBL-2H3-NFAT-Re Luciferase Cell Line: a New Cell Based System for Studying Collagen Receptor Activation

GPVI-RBL-2H3-NFAT-Re Luciferase Cell Line: a New Cell Based System for Studying Collagen Receptor Activation content piece image


The response of platelets to vessel wall injury is a primary event in arterial thrombosis. Platelets respond to vessel wall injury via activation of the Collagen surface receptor Glycoprotein VI (GPVI), which accelerates the thrombotic response through release of granule contents and activation of platelet integrins.
GPVI, which represents a relevant antithrombotic pharmacological target, is a platelet membrane protein constitutively associated with the Fc Receptor y chain (FcR y). Upon activation by the specifi c ligand Collagen, GPVI induces a kinase cascade, resulting in the stimulation of PLC-y2 which fi nally leads to cytosolic Ca++ increase (Figure 1).