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Kreatech Launches RNA ampULSe Amplification and Labeling Kits

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Kreatech Biotechnology has announced the release of labeling kits for DNA microarray applications, the RNA ampULSe Amplification and Labeling Kits.

The RNA ampULSe kit combines the technology obtained from a technology supply agreement with Ambion for their MessageAmp™ II aRNA amplification system, in conjunction with Kreatech’s proprietary Universal Linkage system (ULS™) labeling technology, to provide a series of complete RNA amplification and labeling kits for gene expression analysis.

These kits are designed to offer the ULS labeling molecule bound to a choice of fluorescent dye pairs that have been licensed by Kreatech including the leading dyes from GE Healthcare/Amersham (CyDyes™), and also a biotin kit, for use on Affymetrix GeneChip®.

The RNA ampULSe kit also includes Kreatech’s KREApure columns to purify the labeled aRNA which insures effective removal of unreacted ULS and higher recoveries of sample.

According to Brent Keller, General Manager of Kreatech USA/Vice President of Commercial Operations, “The RNA ampULSE product is the perfect combination of two successful and powerful technologies.”

He adds, “In using the direct, non-enzymatic ULS labeling technology the performance of the Ambion in vitro Transcription reaction is further enhanced since the end user can use natural unmodified nucleotides in the amplification step resulting in higher sample yields and a better representation of the transcriptome.”

“Since unmodified aRNA is more stable than aminoallyl modified aRNA, users have the opportunity to store or archive the unmodified aRNA and label as needed for later use in microarrays or other downstream assays”

Kreatech’s ULS technology relies on the special binding properties of transition metals, especially platinum, to form coordinative bonds with biomolecules by binding to specific sites on DNA, RNA and proteins.

In this way, ULS acts as relatively simple “molecular glue” for DNA, RNA and proteins. As a result of its versatility, customers have a choice of the molecular label attached to the ULS they can use to label the biomolecules of interest.

Kreatech currently commercializes labeling kits for aRNA labeling, arrayCGH labeling, and earlier this month introduced the PlatinumBright™ line of labeling kits for general nucleic acid labeling.