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Metrohm USA Celebrates 11th Annual Young Chemist Award Winner

Manish Samson stands outside wearing a suit.
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Metrohm USA is pleased to announce the winner of its 2023 Young Chemist Award, Manish Samson. Manish is an undergraduate student at The University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Bioengineering in the Biomedical Microdevices and Nanotechnology Laboratory under Dr. Shalini Prasad. His research focuses on developing portable, point-of-care electrochemical biosensors for the detection of pesticides and other environmental contaminants in field-deployed conditions.

The detection of pesticides and GMO proteins in food is becoming increasingly important due to new regulatory standards, a vested interest in consumer health safety as well as the growing usage of pesticides and GMOs in enhancing crop yields. The complexity of the most commonly used analytical methods make it impossible to translate these methods into field-deployable applications that can be used by everyday consumers.

In order to bridge the gap between consumer and laboratory, Manish’s research aims to develop a portable pesticide analytical screening system that allows for an efficient multiplexed detection of pesticides and GMO proteins in food samples. Due to the ease-of-use of this portable biosensor, it can be utilized by consumers with no technical skills.

“Out of all the participants this year, Manish most convincingly presented the importance of his research and the significance of his results,” said Scott Segro, Senior Scientist at Metrohm USA and part of the selection committee.

Manish will accept his $10,000 award at Metrohm USA’s headquarters, make a brief presentation about his research work, and participate in a short Q&A session in May. A video of this session will be available after the event’s conclusion.

Metrohm USA has awarded the Young Chemist Award for 11 consecutive years. This award is open to all undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate and doctorate students residing and studying in the U.S. and Canada, who are performing novel research in the fields of titration, ion chromatography, spectroscopy and electrochemistry.