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Cancer Immunology – Multimedia

Two cancer cells with immune cells attached.

Cancer Immunotherapies: Transforming Treatment for Patients

Download this listicle to learn more about immune checkpoint inhibitors and immune system modulators, adoptive cell therapies and oncolytic viral therapy.
Advances in Cancer Biology

Advances in Cancer Biology

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Almost one in six deaths were attributable to cancer in 2020, and the incidence rate has been rising. Furthermore, recent estimates predict that as many as one in two people could develop a form of cancer in their lifetime.
oncology studies

Unlock the Potential of Your Preclinical Oncology Studies

This eBook explores how humanized mouse models can accelerate the development of novel, safe, and effective oncology treatment
Tumor with blood vessels.

The Reason Why Cancer Is So Hard To Beat

An undead city under siege, soldiers and police ruthlessly shooting down waves of zombies that flood from infected streets, trying to escape and infect more cities. This is what happens when your body fights cancer.
Current Trends and Future Prospects in Immuno-oncology content piece image

Current Trends and Future Prospects in Immuno-Oncology

Immunotherapy aims to leverage the power of the immune system in the fight against cancer. It offers a more effective and less destructive approach than many traditional treatments.
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Milestones in Cancer Immunology

The field of cancer immunology concerns the study of the interaction between the immune system and cancer cells.
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Vaccine Development Pipeline

Vaccines are critical for the prevention of infectious diseases and improvement of global health. Better understanding of the immune system and the availability of advanced structural biology tools and genetic delivery systems have unlocked new possibilities to improve vaccine development.
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Innovative Tools for Cancer Immunotherapies

This eBook highlights innovative tools to evaluate the potency of immunotherapies in vitro. It features an assay that is objective and easy to perform (non-invasive and stain-free), providing quantitative kinetic results under physiologically relevant conditions.
Dividing cancer cells seen under a target.

Advances in Cancer Biology

Download this listicle to learn about developments in immunotherapy, AI/machine learning and cancer vaccines.
Recent Advances and Challenges in Oncolytic Virotherapy: The Myoxma Virus Story content piece image

Recent Advances and Challenges in Oncolytic Virotherapy: The Myoxma Virus Story

Speaking at The Landscape of Cancer Research 2022 online symposium, keynote speaker Grant McFadden of the University of Arizona delivered his talk on recent advances and challenges in oncolytic virotherapy.