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Cell Signaling – Multimedia

The TN Breaking Science News logo on top of a bacteriophage.

Bacteriophages: Not Just Bacteria Killers, but Essential Resources for Mammalian Cells

A recent study from Monash University highlights the potential symbiotic relationship between bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria, and mammalian cells.
How To Guide

A Guide to Cell Signaling in Cancer Development and Progression

This guide highlights some of the key pathways that are commonly dysregulated in cancer. It also explores how dysregulation can lead to pathogenesis with examples across a broad range of cell and tissue types.
From Cells to Systems – Using Proteomics to Interrogate the Tumor Microenvironment content piece image

From Cells to Systems – Using Proteomics to Interrogate the Tumor Microenvironment

Speaking at ‘Advances in Proteomics & Metabolomics’ 2022, Claus Jørgensen from Cancer Research UK, presented their talk on proteomics and the tumor microenvironment.
Cell Signaling in Disease

Cell Signaling in Disease

Download this infographic to explore why cell signaling is important, how Wnt signaling is involved in cancer and the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in neurodegenerative disease.
Understanding Tumor Microenvironment Signaling Pathways content piece image

Understanding Tumor Microenvironment Signaling Pathways

The tumor microenvironment (TME) is comprised of the tumor, extracellular matrix and various non-transformed cells including fibroblasts, immune infiltrates and vascular vessels.
The Benefits of Daydreaming content piece image

The Benefits of Daydreaming

Enter the mind of a bored teenager to discover what happens in the brain when we daydream and find out what purpose it serves.
Development and Implementation of Clinical Proteomics for Precision Oncology Applications and Therapeutic Drug Development content piece image

Development and Implementation of Clinical Proteomics for Precision Oncology Applications and Therapeutic Drug Development

Speaking at The Landscape of Cancer Research 2021, Prof. Emanuel Petricoin from The George Mason University, presented his talk on pharmacoproteomics.
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Targeting the TME and the Development of Effective Therapeutics Against Solid Tumors

Speaking at The Landscape of Cancer Research 2021, Prajwal Paudel from ACROBiosystems delivered their talk on the development of effective therapeutics against solid tumors.
Get the Gene-Edited Cell Lines You Need content piece image

Get the Gene-Edited Cell Lines You Need

While CRISPR-edited cell lines can be beneficial for target identification, reagent validation, and biomarker discovery, generating high-quality cell lines can be fraught with difficulties and time-consuming and relies on several factors.
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Lipid Biomarker Discovery in Senescent Cells

Speaking at Advances in Proteomics and Metabolomics 2021, Chris Wiley from Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, presented his talk on cellular senescence and novel methods to detect senolysis.