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Electron Microscopy – Multimedia

Integrative Structural Biology: High Precision 3D Analysis from Structure to Function content piece image

Integrative Structural Biology: High Precision 3D Analysis from Structure to Function

Download this eBook to learn how advances in mass spectrometry techniques in combination with cryo-electron microscopy and other structural tools is revolutionizing the understanding of protein structure, function and dynamics.
Exploring Data Management in the Lab of the Future - The Data Behind Imaging and Advancing Scientific Understanding content piece image

Exploring Data Management in the Lab of the Future - The Data Behind Imaging and Advancing Scientific Understanding

In the first episode of the series, Greg Clark at Thermo Fisher helps us to understand the challenges faced by scientists in managing and interpreting imaging data today and just how important AI and Machine learning are to the future of imaging.
New Electron Microscopy Technique Could Shortcut Development of Vaccines and Antibody Therapies content piece image

New Electron Microscopy Technique Could Shortcut Development of Vaccines and Antibody Therapies

Scientists at Scripps Research have devised a method that may be able to shortcut one of the big steps in modern vaccine development.
TSE Explores Data Management in the Lab of the Future – The Data Behind Imaging and Advancing Scientific Understanding content piece image

TSE Explores Data Management in the Lab of the Future – The Data Behind Imaging and Advancing Scientific Understanding

In this episode, Lucy Lawrence interviews Greg Clark, Senior Software Product Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
From Single Molecules to Tissues: Application of Correlative BioAFM in Microscopy Core Facilities content piece image

From Single Molecules to Tissues

This listicle discusses the atomic force microscopy (AFM) and how it can be applied to different research areas.
Structural Biology content piece image

Structural Biology

This infographic explores what structural biologists look at, the techniques used to solve macromolecular structures and the information that structural biology can tell us.
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Proteomics: Key Insights From 2019

2019 has been an exciting year for the proteomics community at Technology Networks. As the year draws to a close, we're reflecting on some of the key insights we have gained.
Nobel Prizes in Cell Biology Over the Years content piece image

Nobel Prizes in Cell Biology Over the Years

Several achievements in cell biology have been recognized by the Nobel Prize over the years, ranging from ion channels, to immunology, to cell death, highlighting the importance of the field to science.
ADDomer – A New Kind of Vaccine for Untreatable Infection content piece image

ADDomer – A New Kind of Vaccine for Untreatable Infection

Scientists from the University of Bristol, CNRS and Imophoron Ltd worked with the computer technology giant Oracle to develop a new kind of vaccine that needs no refrigeration. They used synthetic biology, cryo-electron microscopy and high-performance cloud computing to produce a candidate vaccine against the mosquito-borne chikungunya virus. Their findings could revolutionise the way vaccines are designed, developed and stored.
Applications of Mass Spectrometry content piece image

Applications of Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is a powerful analytical tool with a myriad of applications spanning biology, chemistry, clinical research, pharma and beyond. Take a closer look at what this versatile technique has to offer in our latest eBook.