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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – Multimedia

Lab AI
How To Guide

Five Key Steps to Successful AI in the Lab

This guide explores a five-step process to successfully integrate AI and ML into your workflows and futureproof your lab.
The nanowire neural network with the Breaking Science News logo.

Brain-Inspired Nanowire Network Learns “On the Fly” for Efficient Machine Learning

Researchers have developed a physical neural network that learns and remembers dynamically. The neural network, comprised of tiny nanowires, mimics the neural networks found in the brain.
AI and Lab of the Future

AI and the Lab of the Future

In this infographic, we explore some of the potential AI holds for the future of laboratory research.
An overhead shot of a variety of food items that are high in protein.

Exploring the Alternative Protein Food Source Landscape

There has been significantly increased interest in novel protein sources as alternatives to animal products in the last few years. In this list, we will consider some of the popular and up and coming alternative protein food sources.
The High-Throughput Technologies Speeding Up Biomedical Science

The High-Throughput Technologies Speeding Up Biomedical Science

Biological and biomedical research used to be a field anchored down by the weight of time-consuming manual tasks. Involved and laborious wet-lab processes slowed output to a crawl.

But now, high-throughput technologies have ramped up the speed of science. In this infographic, we take a deep dive into how these technologies have changed the game.
Advances in Cancer Biology

Advances in Cancer Biology

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Almost one in six deaths were attributable to cancer in 2020, and the incidence rate has been rising. Furthermore, recent estimates predict that as many as one in two people could develop a form of cancer in their lifetime.
A woman with code projected onto her face.

How TikTok Dances Trained an AI To See

This video shows how researchers trained AI using TikTok dances and the Mannequin Challenge.
Scale Up With Molecular Devices  content piece image

Scale Up With Molecular Devices

Whether you are working in cell line development, 3D biology, drug screening —or a combination of the three — technologies that maximize throughput and reproducibility can free up your time and give you greater insights.
Optimizing the Design-Build-Test-Learn Cycle in Protein Engineering  content piece image

Optimizing the Design-Build-Test-Learn Cycle in Protein Engineering

This eBook is an essential read for anyone interested in the evolution of protein engineering and the impact of synthetic DNA on the optimization of protein discovery.
Dividing cancer cells seen under a target.

Advances in Cancer Biology

Download this listicle to learn about developments in immunotherapy, AI/machine learning and cancer vaccines.