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Personalized Medicine – Multimedia

A human torso, surrounded by icons of DNA, blood, molecules, heartbeat, cells and chemicals.

Four Top Trends in Personalized Medicine

By taking a multidisciplinary approach that integrates engineering, electronics and nanotechnology with state-of-the-art chemistry and molecular diagnostics tools, we are entering a new phase of personalized medicine. Download this listicle to learn more about the four top trends in personalized medicine.
A sample tube held above a printed DNA sequence.
How To Guide

A Guide to Sample Preparation for Next-Generation Sequencing

Download this guide to explore tips on how to avoid issues during NGS experiment design, tissue/specimen handling and isolation of nucleic acids.

Working with Corning Matrigel Matrix: Tips, Tricks and Expert Advice

In this TMi10 we are speaking with Corning senior scientist Hilary Sherman to get some handling tips and expert advice to maximize your work in both 2D and 3D cultures with the most widely used ECM in the industry.
Dividing cancer cells.

Cancer Genomics: Transforming Diagnosis and Treatment

Download this listicle to learn more about cancer genomics, targeted therapies and advanced diagnostics.
The Applications of Next-Generation Sequencing content piece image

The Applications of Next-Generation Sequencing

In this infographic, we explore some of the ways that next-generation sequencing (NGS) has changed our understanding of biology and medicine by detailing some of its most important applications.
Drugs of the Future: Optimizing Oligonucleotide Analysis content piece image

Drugs of the Future: Optimizing Oligonucleotide Analysis

Download this infographic to learn about the different types of therapeutic oligonucleotides and discover innovative solutions for their purification and characterization.
A human head, torso and arms made from white spheres. Below the torso connects to a DNA molecule also made of white spheres. The background is light blue.

Advances in Personalized Medicine

Download this eBook to discover how advances in different technologies and techniques continue to expand the possibilities of personalized medicine.
Development and Implementation of Clinical Proteomics for Precision Oncology Applications and Therapeutic Drug Development content piece image

Development and Implementation of Clinical Proteomics for Precision Oncology Applications and Therapeutic Drug Development

Speaking at The Landscape of Cancer Research 2021, Prof. Emanuel Petricoin from The George Mason University, presented his talk on pharmacoproteomics.
Personalized Medicine content piece image

Personalized Medicine

Download this infographic to discover what personalized medicine is and its applications, how it compares to current conventional medicine and the common technologies used in personalized medicine research.
Cell and Gene Therapies content piece image

Cell and Gene Therapies

Download this infographic to learn more about what cell and gene therapies are, how they are made, and advancements and future considerations in cell and gene therapy research.