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Cryopreservation – News and Features

Alarm clock.

Elevated Biological Age Linked to Greater Dementia and Stroke Risk

People who have a higher biological age than their actual chronological age have a significantly increased risk of stroke and dementia, especially vascular dementia.
A medical professional taking blood from a patient.

New Blood Test Detects Cancer in Early Stage

Most cancers become deadly by keeping a low profile, causing no symptoms until they’re too advanced to treat. Researchers have developed a highly sensitive blood test that can detect a key protein produced by cancer cells.
Four bottles of sunscreen in a row.

Sunscreen Use Is Rising, but So Are Skin Cancer Rates

Sunscreen is important, says Dr. Ivan Litvinov, but it is also the least effective way to protect your skin compared to sun protective clothing and sun avoidance.
A woman laid on the sofa in pain.

Genetic Link Uncovered Between Endometriosis and Gut Disorders

Women with endometriosis are twice as likely to have an irritable bowel diagnosis as women without the disease. Scientists identified genes and biological pathways that may be involved in developing both diseases.
Computer-generated image of cancer cells.

PFAS Linked to Thyroid Cancer Risk in Humans

Some per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – also known as “forever chemicals” – may be linked to an increased risk of thyroid cancer, according to a study from Mount Sinai School of Medicine
A contraceptive pill pack.

Genetics Influence Blood Clot Risk in Women Using Birth Control

To study the link between a person’s genetic risk of blood clots and their use of contraceptive pills, Uppsala researchers investigated data from 244,420 British women from the UK Biobank.
Someone holding out their hands infront of them.

Scientists Discover First-Ever Genetic Cause of Raynaud’s Phenomenon

Two to five percent of all people are affected by Raynaud's phenomenon. Scientists have only now discovered a common genetic cause of the disease.
A map of the human brain, surrounded by patterns like a computer chip.

AI Speeds Up Diagnosis of Brain Tumor Type

AI technology has sped up the identification of brain tumor types, providing results within one and a half hours and allowing neurosurgeons to adapt their surgical strategies.
A person demonstrating pain.

Genes From Neanderthals Linked to Lower Pain Threshold

While 50,000 years have passed since we last shared a planet with Neanderthals, comparing their genomes with our own can help to shed light on common experiences, such as pain.
A view of Los Angeles at night.

More Nighttime Light Linked to Depression and Anxiety

Increased nighttime light exposure is linked to poor mental health outcomes, while increased daytime light has the opposite effect, finds a new study.
