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Electron Microscopy – News and Features

Two squares of biofilm material.

Flexible Antibacterial Material Could Be Prevent Infection With Internal Medical Devices

Researchers have developed an effective and flexible antimicrobial material that could be used to coat medical devices placed inside the body, helping to prevent infection without drugs.
The phases of the moon.

Protein Helps Marine Worms Distinguish Between Different Moon Phases

Researchers have taken the first steps towards decoding the circalunar clock, which helps marine bristle worms distinguish between sunlight and moonlight as well as between different moon phases.
A tick on a leaf.

Promising Antibiotic Breakthrough Unveiled for Lyme Disease

Using a technique that has shown promise in targeting cancer tumors, a Duke Health team has found a way to deploy a molecular warhead that can annihilate the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.
A TEM image of a satellite virus latching on to its helper virus.

Viruses Can Latch Onto One Another

"MiniFlayer" is the first known instance of a satellite virus that does not possess a gene enabling it to access its host's DNA. To do this, it requires help from "MindFlayer", which it attaches to.
Illustration of the interacting thick and thin filaments in the cardiac sarcomere based on structural cryo electron-tomography data.

Researchers Capture First True 3D Image of Mammalian Heart Muscle Filament

In a remarkable scientific achievement, an international team has successfully obtained the world's first high-resolution 3D image of the thick filament in its natural cellular environment.
Five close-up images of the CRISPR/Cas9 complex, above a microscope image of many CRISPR-Cas9 enzymes.

Images Prove Magnesium Ions Interact With CRISPR Enzyme

High-resolution, time-lapsed images have shown how magnesium ions interact with the CRISPR-Cas9 enzyme while it cuts DNA, illustrating its role in chemical bond breakage and DNA cutting.
A 3D model of a human brain with coloured string emitting from the sides.

High Brain Metabolism Could Be Early Sign of Alzheimer's

An early phase in the process of developing Alzheimer’s disease is a metabolic increase in a part of the brain called the hippocampus, report researchers from Karolinska Institutet in a study published in Molecular Psychiatry.
Small round white pills on a blue background.

AI Helps To Create Candidate Gastric Acid Inhibitor

Researchers have created and improved AI systems to help synthesize a gastric acid inhibitor with a better binding affinity than existing drugs.
A clump of grass growing in water.

Using Plant Sugars To Generate Biofuels and Bioproducts

Engineered enzymes that modify grass plants could make the conversion of plant sugars to biofuels more efficient by providing access to sugars usually locked within complex structures.
A blue and red pill capsule split open with drug molecules in the middle.

Newly Discovered Compound Blocks Inflammatory Signals

Scientists succeeded for the first time in identifying and characterizing a new small molecule called "Feeblin", which can inhibit the interaction of the transporter protein SLC15A4 with the adapter protein TASL.