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Food and Beverage Analysis – News and Features

Four sweets in a row.

Researchers Turn the Dregs of Wine Into Jelly Sweets

Researchers in Turkey have demonstrated how a waste product of wineries can be reused as an ingredient in gelatine-based sweets.
Lab worker holding a small globe made from moss.
Industry Insight

Achieving Sustainability in the Food and Beverage Industry

In this interview, Dr. Lorna De Leoz, global food segment director at Agilent Technologies, highlights practical advice to make a food and beverage lab more sustainable. She also discusses the role of metrics when establishing sustainability goals and how vendors can work with labs to ensure they achieve these goals.
Human cells under fluorescent microscope.

Newly-Discovered Bacterial Protein Keeps Human Cells Healthy

Researchers describes a hitherto unknown protein with anti-oxidizing properties secreted by Coxiella burnetii, a Gram-negative intracellular bacterium, pointing to possible treatments for auto-immune diseases and even cancer.
Two syringes of epinephrine on a blue background.

Measuring Skin Water Loss Predicts Anaphylaxis During Food Allergy Tests

A team of researchers developed a method that measures water loss from the skin to predict anaphylaxis during oral food challenges before it becomes clinically evident.
A pantry.

Halving Europe's Foodwaste Could Solve Rest of World's Food Shortages

New calculations show European countries have great potential for reducing demand for global food resources and associated GHG footprint. Researchers have estimated the climate footprint savings that may be obtained from reducing food loss and waste.
An old couple.

Exercise Can Help Reduce Aging Anxiety

A survey suggests a positive attitude about physical activity is related to lower anxiety about aging. The researchers say gender, age, marital status and income affect perspectives on exercise and aging.
Two people holding up bottles of beer.

Climate Change Could Affect the Flavor of Beer

There are few things tastier than the crisp bite of a cold IPA…for now. A recent study published in the journal Nature Communications found the changing global climate may be affecting the flavor and cost of beer.
A header reading "feeding tomorrow" displayed using fruit and vegetables.

Feeding Tomorrow: Exploring the Next Frontier in Food

Our food system is at a pivotal moment; there is enormous potential for innovation to unlock more healthy, accessible and sustainable diets for all, but we are simultaneously facing huge global challenges.
Silver fish piled on top of each other.

Pinpointing the Emergence of Muddy Flavors in Your Fish

The culprit of muddy off-flavors in farmed fish has been identified as geosmin, a compound produced by aquatic microorganisms. The research could help fish farming become more sustainable.
Salmon with herbs on it.

Has Your Fish Been Caught Sustainably? A New Scanner Can Tell You

Researchers are part of an ongoing collaborative project to develop new ways to determine where seafood has been sourced, and whether it has been farmed or wild-caught.