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Gas Chromatography – News and Features

Lab worker holding a small globe made from moss.
Industry Insight

Achieving Sustainability in the Food and Beverage Industry

In this interview, Dr. Lorna De Leoz, global food segment director at Agilent Technologies, highlights practical advice to make a food and beverage lab more sustainable. She also discusses the role of metrics when establishing sustainability goals and how vendors can work with labs to ensure they achieve these goals.
Silver fish piled on top of each other.

Pinpointing the Emergence of Muddy Flavors in Your Fish

The culprit of muddy off-flavors in farmed fish has been identified as geosmin, a compound produced by aquatic microorganisms. The research could help fish farming become more sustainable.
Two people in lab coats looking at an ACT label on a piece of analytical chemistry equipment.
Industry Insight

What Does Sustainability Accreditation Really Mean for Scientific Companies?

With growing sustainability demands, companies are looking for ways to demonstrate their green credentials. We spoke to Dr. Michael Frank to find out what ACT accreditation means for a company and why he thinks schemes like this are so important.
An array of meat, fish, nuts, fruit and vegetables.

New Analysis Tools for Detecting Food Fraud

This article will discuss current issues in food authenticity, the potential safety implications and the techniques proving pivotal in detecting and preventing fraudulent products from reaching consumers.
A battery being assembled by two robotic arms.

The Importance of Battery Materials Analysis

Batteries must be carefully scrutinized to ensure that they are safe for use. This article will discuss the role that battery materials analysis plays in maintaining the safety and quality of existing batteries and in the development of new and improved types.
Orange and green bubbles.

VOC Metabolomics in Model Animals Improved by Advanced GC-MS Method

Volatile organic compounds have been detected in the organs of animal models, using an advanced GC-MS method. The detection of VOCs in human metabolites has the potential to change the way we screen and diagnose organ diseases.
An onion cut in half.

Fermented Onions Make Plant-Based Meats "Meatier"

Plant-based alternatives such as tempeh and bean burgers provide protein-rich options for those who want to reduce their meat consumption. However, replicating meat's flavors and aromas has proven challenging.
A person in a coral colored shirt smells some lavender.

AI "Nose" Can Tell What Molecular Structures Smell Like

An AI tool can predict what a molecule will smell like, based on its structure. It can identify molecules that look different but smell the same, as well as molecules that look similar but smell different.
An ancient Egyptian coffin.

Ancient Aroma From Egyptian Mummification Balm Recreated

Using analytical techniques, researchers analyzed balm residues found in two canopic jars from mummification equipment to recreate one of the scents used in the mummification of an important Egyptian woman more than 3500 years ago.
Waves in the sea.

How Do Microplastics End Up in the Sea?

Tiny plastic particles can be found in the sea air even far from coasts, according to a study recently published in the journal Nature Communications. The microplastics come from partly unexpected sources.