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Light Microscopy – News and Features

Tau clusters identified in a live neuron under a microscope.

Tau Proteins Visualized While Neurons Are “Talking”

For the first time, University of Queensland (UQ) researchers have shown how the tau protein, known for its role in dementias, behaves where communication in the brain takes place.
Spider web on a black background.

Unraveling the Secrets of Spider Silk

Spider silk is a remarkable material, offering high tensile strength and natural elasticity. In this article, learn how a group of scientists are currently exploring its untapped potential in medical and materials science.
A buffalofish.

Fish in Arizona Lake Can Live For 100 Years

A recent study found some of the oldest animals in the world living in a place you wouldn’t expect: fishes in the Arizona desert. Researchers found the second genus of animal ever for which few species have known lifespans greater than 100 years.
A researcher holds up a vial of liquid containing a strand of DNA.

Advances in Biopharmaceutical Analysis

Biopharmaceuticals require careful analysis during research, development and manufacturing. In this article, we highlight some of the analytical techniques employed in biopharmaceutical analysis, and how the field is evolving to meet new challenges.
A spider web, covered in morning dew, hangs below a handrail post at sunrise.

Genetically Modified Silkworms Produce Spider Silk Six Times Tougher Than Kevlar

For the first time, researchers have genetically modified common silkworms to produce full-length spider silk proteins. Such proteins can be used to produce fibers that are six times tougher than the Kevlar fiber used in bulletproof vests.
A fruit fly on a leaf.

Fly Study Reveals Origins of Social Behaviors

New research suggests the fruit fly’s visual system, not just chemical receptors, are deeply involved with their social behaviors. The work sheds light on the possible origin of differences in human social behaviors.
Blue cells with yellow nucelei

Key Mechanism in the Regulation of Microtubules Discovered

A key mechanism in the regulation of microtubules - the backbone of the cell - has been identified, enhancing our understanding of cellular communication.
The kidney organoid under a microscope.

Novel Kidney-on-a-Chip Model Advances Cancer Drug Toxicity Testing

An immune-infiltrated human kidney organoid-on-chip model enables assessment of kidney toxicities to immunotherapeutic T cell bispecific antibody drugs with high resolution.
A diagram showing how the force sensor works.

Inner Forces of Cells Studied With Novel Tool

A new sensor has been developed that can measure intracellular forces and mechanical strains, bringing new insights to the mechanics behind cancer.
The three-armed structure of PIEZO1.

How PIEZO1 Changes Shape in Response to Mechanical Stimuli

The ability to sense mechanical stimuli, like touch or blood pressure, is essential to physiological processes in humans. New research has revealed critical information about how the sensory ion channel PIEZO1 changes shape to function.