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Neurogenomics – News and Features

Human microglia implanted in the hippocampus region of the brain of a mouse.

Mutant Immune Cells in the Brain Heighten Alzheimer's Risk

A new MIT study finds that microglia with mutant TREM2 protein reduce brain circuit connections, promote inflammation and contribute to Alzheimer’s pathology in other ways.
A young boy looking sad.

Stress Changes More Genes in the Mouse Brain Than a Head Injury

A surprising thing happened when researchers began exploring whether early-life stress compounds the effects of a childhood head injury on health and behavior later in life.
A person holds a pink breast cancer ribbon.

Potential Targets Identified for Therapy-Resistant Breast Cancers

Researchers have identified potential targets to treat therapy-resistant breast cancers, suggesting some already-approved drugs could be repurposed for certain cancer patients.
Starfish under fluorescent imaging.

Star Fish May Be All Head No Body

For centuries, naturalists have puzzled over what might constitute the head of a sea star, commonly called a “starfish.” Researchers have published a study finding that the truth is closer to the absolute reverse.
A 3D model of a human brain with coloured string emitting from the sides.

High Brain Metabolism Could Be Early Sign of Alzheimer's

An early phase in the process of developing Alzheimer’s disease is a metabolic increase in a part of the brain called the hippocampus, report researchers from Karolinska Institutet in a study published in Molecular Psychiatry.
Cancer tumor.

Uncovering the Key Factors Linking Nerve Cells and Glioblastoma

A pioneering study unveiled that the 3D organization of DNA can influence the progression of the aggressive brain tumour known as glioblastoma. Having identified the factors that glioblastoma uses to respond to neurons by growing and spreading.
Human cerebral organoids under a microscope.

Researchers Use Light To Regulate Gene Expression in Organoids

Organoids help researchers understand biological processes in health and in disease. It is, however, difficult to influence the way in which they organize themselves into complex tissues. Now a group has found a new way to do so.
A section of RNA split from a DNA strand.

Gene Therapy: A New Frontier in Disease-Modifying Therapies

The gene therapy landscape is dynamic and constantly shifting. In this article, we will review major advances in disease modification for illnesses that presently still lack effective treatments, as well as some challenges and approaches to overcome them.
A plastic model of a brain and a brain cell.

Converting Brain Immune Cells Into Neurons Helps Mice Recover After Stroke

Researchers at Kyushu University have discovered that turning brain immune cells into neurons successfully restores brain function after stroke-like injury in mice.
Monkey pox under a microscope.

Lab-Grown Skin Sheds Light on Mpox Virus Mechanisms

Skin organoids offer a powerful platform for drug discovery in the ongoing fight against the virus formerly known as monkeypox.