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Screening Strategies in Drug Discovery – News and Features

Small molecule closeup
Industry Insight

Confident Metabolite Identification for Meaningful Results in Multiomics Analyses

In this interview, Technology Networks spoke to Heiko Neuweger, director of Bioinformatics Life Science Mass Spectrometry Software R&D at Bruker, to learn about the importance of target compound annotation and identification, the advantages of integrating collision cross section (CCS) information into workflows and the benefits of CCS-Predict Pro.
A strand of silver-gray colored DNA.

Genome’s “Master” Regulator Could Be Used To Enhance T-Cell Therapy

A single master regulator of the genome can be used to reprogram a network of thousands of genes in T cells and greatly enhance cancer cell killing.
Droplets of liquid falling from pipette tips into a multiwell plate.

Extracting Meaningful Data With High-Throughput Drug Discovery Approaches

This article focuses on the use of high-throughput screening approaches in drug discovery and discusses the latest developments in this area.
Brown wheat field.

Yeast Accelerates the Discovery of Medicinal Compounds From Plants

Cornell researchers have harnessed the power of baker’s yeast to create a cost-effective and highly efficient approach for unraveling how plants synthesize medicinal compounds.
A researcher holds up a vial of liquid containing a strand of DNA.

Advances in Biopharmaceutical Analysis

Biopharmaceuticals require careful analysis during research, development and manufacturing. In this article, we highlight some of the analytical techniques employed in biopharmaceutical analysis, and how the field is evolving to meet new challenges.
A small globe held in a hand.

There Is Much To Improve in Identifying All the Chemicals Around Us

Non-targeted analysis (NTA) is an emerging field of analytical science that aims to identify all chemicals around us. According to a meta-analysis of NTA results published over the past six years, it is estimated that less than 2% of all chemicals have been identified.
Heart highlighted in a torso, overlaid with an ECG signal.

Chemotherapy Drug May Prevent Heart Failure, Study Suggests

A new drug screening tool developed by scientists suggests that a chemotherapy drug used to fight bone marrow cancer has the potential to treat and prevent potentially deadly heart failure.
An immunofluorescence image of the first part of the small intestine overlaid with the article title.

The Spatial Perspective With Professor Emma Lundberg

Join us as we sit down with Professor Emma Lundberg, a luminary in the field of spatial biology, to discuss her incredible career journey, the challenges that she has overcome and the groundbreaking discoveries that continue to shape the future of science and medicine.
AI written on a computer chip.

New Machine Learning Technique Gives Virtual Drug Screening a Boost

Scientists using machine learning tools to analyze biomedical data often turn to neural network algorithms, but before these models became popular, another simpler type of machine learning algorithm called kernel methods were commonly used.
Confocal image of a CHOOSE (CRISPR-human organoids-scRNA-seq) human brain.

How Human Brain Organoids Are Uncovering the Cause of Autism

With a revolutionizing novel system that combines brain organoid technology and intricate genetics, researchers can now comprehensively test the effect of multiple mutations in parallel and at a single-cell level within human brain organoids.