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Therapeutic Antibodies – News and Features

A scientist loading samples into a microwell plate.

Advances in CHO Cell Line Development for Biotherapeutics

A diverse array of biological medicines are now used to prevent and treat a wide range of illnesses. This article will discuss the development of cell lines in biopharma and will touch on key considerations, such as future manufacturability.
Representation of human cells.
Industry Insight

Why the Time Is Now for Allogeneic Cell Therapies

Andrew Schulman explores why we need allogeneic therapies, the importance of collaboration to keep the momentum, and challenges and predictions for the future.

Biologic Production and Host Cell Proteins

Host cell proteins can prove problematic for the development of novel biopharmaceuticals. This article will highlight some of the latest advances in host cell analysis strategies and how they are being implemented.
The structure of an antibody, with different sections labelled in red, orange, yellow and white.

Antibody Targets Tumor-Promoting Molecules Deep Within Cancer Cells

A new approach to cancer treatment uses IgA antibodies to target and destroy tumor-promoting molecules deep within cells and has been described as a more precise, long-lasting and less toxic approach.
A section of RNA split from a DNA strand.

Gene Therapy: A New Frontier in Disease-Modifying Therapies

The gene therapy landscape is dynamic and constantly shifting. In this article, we will review major advances in disease modification for illnesses that presently still lack effective treatments, as well as some challenges and approaches to overcome them.
A prescription bottle spills pills of different sizes and shapes.

“Two-for-One” Cancer Drug Shows Promise in Clinical Trial

A bispecific cancer drug that targets two checkpoint proteins is potentially more effective and at least as safe as standard therapies, reports a phase one trial.
A patient having a PET Scan.

Targeted Cancer Therapy Shows Promise Combined With Cholesterol-Lowering Drug

A novel therapeutic approach that combines human epidermal growth receptor factor 2 (HER2)-targeted therapies with the cholesterol-lowering drug lovastatin can reduce the number of cancer treatments required to prevent tumor growth.
A purple-gloved hand holding two test tubes filled with blood.

ctDNA Analyses Could Help Guide Immunotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients

Measuring ctDNA could offer a new approach to identifying non-small cell lung cancer patients in greater need of additional treatments during immunotherapy.
A scientist holds a blood sample.

Biomarker Bonanza: Computational Methods and Metabolomics Advances

Biomarkers can potentially aid patient management across the stages of their disease course. This article will review advances in computationally-driven biomarker discovery, including from metabolomics datasets, for complex, multifactorial diseases.
A computer-generated image of an antibody.

Experimental Therapy May Improve the Body's Ability To Fight HIV

Despite 40 years of intensive research, scientists have not yet succeeded in finding a cure for HIV. Now, an international team may have moved another step closer to a medication-free existence for those living with HIV.