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Latest On-Demand Webinars & Online Events

Advances in Proteomics & Metabolomics
Online Event

Advances in Proteomics & Metabolomics 2023

This popular online event will once again bring together leading scientists in the field as they highlight the latest advancements in translational proteomics and metabolomics. Presentations will cover areas ranging from uncovering the molecular mechanisms of disease pathology, to the latest technological developments in diagnostics and treatment.
ThermoFisher Scientific webinar hosted by Technology Networks, being held on October 11th, 2023

Next-Generation Molecular Diagnostics: Leveraging Digital Technologies To Enhance Multiplexing in Real-Time PCR

Multiple solutions have been devised to increase multiplexing in qPCR, including single-well techniques, using target-specific fluorescent oligonucleotide probes, and spatial multiplexing, where
segregation of the sample enables parallel amplification of multiple targets.

There is a need for innovations that will push forward the multiplexing field in qPCR, enabling for the next generation of diagnostic tools which could accommodate high throughput in an affordable manner. To this end, the use of machine learning algorithms has recently emerged to leverage information contained in amplification and melting curves– two of the most standard biosignals emitted during qPCR – for accurate classification of multiple nucleic acid targets in a single reaction.

Thermo Fisher Scientific are not affiliated with the webinar speaker. Any application of machine learning technologies with the Diomni™ software package, related assay definition files (ADFs) and related qPCR instruments are for research use only.
Man looking at a monitor in front of a microscope

Overcoming Obstacles to Success When Transitioning Into cGMP

This webinar highlights how many of the common pitfalls can be avoided with thoughtful consideration of your equipment needs.

Cell micro webinar 10th October 2023 TN

Development of iPSCs: From Reprogramming to Functional Assessment

Reprogrammed patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are a valuable resource in the development of models for studying unique diseases or drug responses.
Cytiva webinar hosted by Technology Networks, being held on September 27, 2023

Lateral Flow Assays: Discover the Importance of the Nitrocellulose Membrane

The nitrocellulose membrane (NC) is the heart of a lateral flow assay. It is where the target and control molecules are captured and where the test results are read.
Join our webinar, hosted by Klaus Hochleitner, to take a deep dive into nitrocellulose membranes including the raw material, structure manufacturing process and capillary flow time and how these affect your lateral flow assays.
Klaus will also cover the effect of surfactants on protein binding and membrane properties and how to deal with unspecific binding of proteins to nitrocellulose membranes.
10x genomics

Single-Cell Spatial Analysis Reveals Early Transcriptional Changes in Pancreatic Tumorigenesis

In this webinar, Dr. Luciane Kagohara from Johns Hopkins Medicine will discuss a novel artificial intelligence method integrating imaging, spatial transcriptomics and single-cell RNA-seq data that has been used to characterize the cell state transitions in pancreatic cancer progression.

Ask Me Anything: PFAS

This exclusive AMA event grants you unprecedented access to the pioneering expert Dr. Carol Kwiatkowski, delving deep into the captivating realm of PFAS– completely free of charge.

Real-Time Functional Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies

Antibodies are ideal therapeutic biomolecules due to their ability to bind to a variety of targets with high affinity and specificity. Innovations in hybridoma and phage display technologies have enabled drug developers to exploit the natural diversity in antibodies, leading to the wide use of monoclonal antibodies.
Molecular Diagnostics ThermoFisher Scientific

Optimize Your qPCR Master Mix for Your Workflows

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was adopted rapidly into clinical and point-of-care testing laboratories enabling prompt diagnostics, treatment and surveillance. qPCR remains the go-to method for microbial detection in areas including clinical, agricultural, veterinary and food safety diagnostics.
Advances in Drug Discovery & Development 2023
Online Event

Advances in Drug Discovery & Development 2023

This online event is aimed at those working within academia and pharmaceutical drug development, who want to hear from experts across their field. Focus will be given to the latest advances in small molecule drug discovery and development, biopharma and biotechnology.