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Pesticide Residue Analysis With Automated EDGE Extraction System and Multi-Layer GC-MS Sandwich Injection

Pesticide Residue Analysis With Automated EDGE Extraction System and Multi-Layer GC-MS Sandwich Injection content piece image

The QuEChERS method is the industry standard for pesticide clean-up and extraction of a wide variety of food samples. QuEChERS kits are easy to use and enable fast sample preparation resulting in excellent pesticide recoveries. However, QuEChERS is still a manual multi-step process. Automated sample prep reduces time, costs and human error associated with manual multi-step processes.

Download this poster to discover more about solution that: 

  • Provides acceptable recoveries comparable to the manual QuEChERS technique
  • Offers 2-layer and 3-layer sandwich injection
  • Creates matrix-matched calibration standards