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A graph representing the operating principle.
Product News

Compact Solvent Recycler Improves HPLC Sustainability

Biotech Fluidics announce the SmartSaver solvent recycling unit - designed to recover up to 90% of your mobile phase by redirection of the pure solvent to the solvent reservoir during isocratic HPLC.
SureSeq™ Myeloid MRD Panel box.
Product News

OGT to Premiere SureSeq™ Myeloid MRD Panel for AML Disease Monitoring at AMP

New NGS assay delivers exceptional coverage, providing a rapid and highly sensitive means of investigating MRD in AML samples.
POCKIT Central Veterinary PCR device.
Product News

HORIBA UK Expands POCKIT Central In-House Veterinary PCR Range

Visitors to London Vet Show can see how new reagent pack sizes make rapid point-of-care PCR more accessible.
Uniqsis building block modules.
Product News

Building Blocks for Flow Chemistry

Uniqsis has developed an extensive range of affordable ‘building block’ modules to which you can simply add your own pumps to create a flow chemistry system.
DNA bases.
Product News

Beckman Coulter Life Sciences and Pillar Biosciences Announce NGS Application Development Pipeline

Assays focus on accelerating cancer research.
A lab worker pipetting into a plate.
Product News

Lonza’s Rapid PyroCell® Monocyte Activation Test Systems Make Rabbit-Free Pyrogen Testing Faster, Easier, and More Efficient

Lonza launched PyroCell® MAT Rapid System and PyroCell® MAT Human Serum (HS) Rapid System, two sustainable monocyte activation test (MAT) systems containing the new PeliKine Human IL-6 Rapid ELISA Kit.
The biotech liquid flow meter.
Product News

Non-Invasive Device for Monitoring Ultra-Low Fluid Flows

The Micro Flow Meter from Biotech Fluidics is a new device designed to continuously monitor ultra-low fluidic flows in real-time.
A scientist looking at an iPad in a laboratory.
Product News

Magritek Opens Up Benchtop NMR to New Reaction Monitoring Applications

Magritek has made benchtop NMR suitable for the rapid identification and quantitation of analytes during chemical reactions, in batch and continuous flow processes.
A mass spectrometer.
Product News

Revvity and Sciex Collaborate To Provide Innovative Neonatal Mass Spectrometry Solution

Offering combines Revvity’s market leading reagents with SCIEX precise innovative MS/MS for labs looking to expand newborn screening capabilities.
The MassFluidix® HC microfluidic system.
Product News

Refeyn® Expands the Analytical Possibilities for High Concentration Samples by MassFluidix® HC

Refeyn®, has unveiled its latest innovation, the MassFluidix® High Concentration (HC) microfluidic system, which extends the analytical strength of mass photometry to high-concentration protein samples.