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Targeted Libraries and Their Applications for Directed Evolution of Enzymes

Targeted Libraries and Their Applications for Directed Evolution of Enzymes content piece image

If your work involves protein or pathway engineering, don’t miss this webinar illustrating the approach that Cellibre, a cellular agriculture company leveraged to significantly accelerate their Design.Build.Test cycles and engineer a key enzyme for cannabinoid production.

Cellibre’s scientists partnered with Codex DNA, the pioneers in automated benchtop synthetic biology systems to identify candidates and rapidly iterate using a targeted library approach.

“The BioXp™ system really speeds up the engineering process and made it possible to test more designs in a shorter amount of time.”

— Russell Komor, director of biochemistry at Cellibre

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • How to streamline the enzyme discovery process
  • How generating targeted libraries can improve discovery performance
  • Why it is important to test more complex variant designs, which wouldn’t have been feasible with conventional approaches to DNA synthesis in the required timeframe
Katie Lyons
Katie Lyons
Molecular and Synthetic Biologist
Dr Russell Komor
Dr Russell Komor
Director of Biochemistry