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UHPLC-MS Grade Solvents for Trace Level Analysis and Research Method Assays

Credit: iStock

Combining ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) builds a potent tool in analytical chemistry. However, it also demands the use of exceptionally pure solvents in mobile phase solutions to facilitate trace analysis. 

By using solvents designed for UHPLC-MS mobile phases, researchers can achieve minimal metal ion content, ultra-low mass noise in both positive and negative mode ionization and an extremely low UHPLC-UV response when employed with photodiode array detection.

This whitepaper highlights how the latest advancements in UHPLC-MS grade solvents can accelerate complex sample analysis while maintaining accuracy.

Download this whitepaper to discover:

  • How the latest UHPLC-MS grade solvents enhance analytical precision for trace-level analysis
  • Practical applications and case studies showcasing the power of UHPLC-MS
  • The critical role of ultra-pure solvents in UHPLC-MS applications to ensure minimal interference and optimal sensitivity 
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