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Pharmacovigilance – Webinars and Online Events

Generation and Characterization of Retinal Organoids From iPSCs content piece image

Generation and Characterization of Retinal Organoids From iPSCs

In this webinar, we will explore how retinal organoids are used as a platform to assess the safety and efficacy of retinal gene therapy treatments.
The Dash for NASH: How To Succeed in NASH Therapeutic Development content piece image

The Dash for NASH: How To Succeed in NASH Therapeutic Development

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a spectrum of metabolic disorders that affects 25% of our global population. 20% of those with NAFLD develop non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which can result in cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Despite continued research and development efforts, not one NASH therapeutic agent has made it to market yet. Traditional preclinical tests have repeatedly failed to predict human drug efficacy as they inadequately recreate the complexity and multifaceted nature of this human disease. As a result, NASH is poised to become a global health and economic burden.

Is it time to increase your chances of clinical success with a new human-relevant approach to drug discovery and development?
Protein Biomarker Models for Oncology Risk Assessment and Treatment Monitoring content piece image

Protein Biomarker Models for Oncology Risk Assessment and Treatment Monitoring

In this webinar you will learn how the power of large-scale proteomics can be leveraged for multiple divergent applications in the field of oncology.
Multi-Modal Connected Workflow for Cardiac Safety Assessment of Drugs Using hiPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes Session 2 content piece image

Multi-Modal Connected Workflow for Cardiac Safety Assessment of Drugs Using hiPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes Session 2

Pharmaceutical compounds need to undergo safety assessment screening. These in vitro frontline screening assays should be multi-parametric, scalable and mechanistic enabling a high degree of predictivity and specificity.
Multi-Modal Connected Workflow for Cardiac Safety Assessment of Drugs Using hiPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes Session 1 content piece image

Multi-Modal Connected Workflow for Cardiac Safety Assessment of Drugs Using hiPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes Session 1

Pharmaceutical compounds need to undergo safety assessment screening. These in vitro frontline screening assays should be multi-parametric, scalable and mechanistic enabling a high degree of predictivity and specificity.
Improving Cognitive and Gait Control in Parkinson’s with Vagus Nerve Stimulation content piece image

Improving Cognitive and Gait Control in Parkinson’s with Vagus Nerve Stimulation


In this webinar, we will summarise the current literature on non-invasive VNS in Parkinson’s disease and discuss preliminary findings of its therapeutic potential with an emphasis on its efficacy in improving cognitive and gait control in people with Parkinson’s.
Research Ins]i[ghts: Cardiac Safety Symposium 2021 content piece image

Research Ins]i[ghts: Cardiac Safety Symposium 2021

Don't miss this 2-day interactive online event where the experts will be discussing current challenges in safety pharmacology and cardiac physiology, in silico modeling and best practices and evolvements of safety pharmacology methods.
Accelerating Drug Discovery and Safety Studies on SyncroPatch 384, User Perspectives content piece image

Accelerating Drug Discovery and Safety Studies on SyncroPatch 384, User Perspectives

In this webinar there will be two speakers discussing High-Throughput Functional Evaluation of Melanocortin Compounds at the MC4R-Kir7.1 Complex: Biased Signaling at the Melanocortin 4 Receptor and CiPA Based Evaluation of Proarrhythmia
Formulating Cannabinoid Particles for Therapeutics content piece image

Formulating Cannabinoid Particles for Therapeutics

Join Dr Natalia Sannikova and Tomas Skrinskas from Ascension Sciences, as they explore the therapeutic use of cannabinoids as novel medicines and the opportunities of nanotechnology in formulating cannabinoid nanoparticles.
Ensuring Safety and Efficacy of Biotherapeutics Through In-Depth LC-MS Sequence Variant Analysis content piece image

Ensuring Safety and Efficacy of Biotherapeutics Through In-Depth LC-MS Sequence Variant Analysis

In this webinar, we will show you how to find and confirm sequence variants more easily using the right mass spectrometry tools.